Mundane-SF Stuff

Mundane-SF: Encyclopedia of Life:

“Recently I got an iPod which now allows me to listen to all kinds of interesting broadcasts from around the world that were previously unaccessed. The aggregator software, the citizen journalism, the interviews with scientists who speak about what they believe in without the need to be filtered through the boring style required of scientific papers — all of this has appeared in the last couple of years as yet another phenomenon never mentioned in an SF story before it happened. Like most aspects of the internet.”


From Dar Kush

“So I’m starting to create lists of ‘plug-ins,’ scenes in projects that are self-contained, from 100-2500 words, that I can write in a burst of flow. In that way, I can create one ‘plug in’ every day, minimum, no matter where I am or what I’m doing.”

Risky Business

From Jay Lake:

“I don’t believe for a moment that vaccination protestors or SUV drivers are making choices with the intent of being deliberately destructive to others. I’m just noodling with the idea of how risk is transferred by these choices, rather than reduced or eliminated. Is it a social good that these risks get moved from one population to another, where the population experiencing the increased risk has no say in the matter?”