#Weeknotes S02 E37

Last Weeknote of the year! I remember a year ago now I was dubious about getting 52 of these done in 2020–not to mention feeling unsure if I really even wanted to. Hey, 37 out of 52 is absolutely nothing to scoff at though, is it?

But since it is the holidays, let’s keep it short and sweet.

Longest Writing Chain This Week: 7 days for 25 days in December total!

I shifted things during the last few days due to the holiday, from the current WIP to developing an idea I’ve had on my mind for about a year now. Yes, it’s still outlining and brainstorming, but I’ve been a lot better lately about not dismissing that work as not being Real Writing(TM).

This week, I managed to find my way back to two old resources I keep coming back to. The first is THE SCENE BOOK by Sandra Scofield. It’s not just good for the subject matter, but also for the structure it offers for scene analysis in your own work.

The second, and more meaningful, is this question from Rod Serling. It’s something that stuck with me since the first time I ever heard it, maybe 10 or more years ago…

Suffice it to say that’s absolutely the question I’ll be focusing on in 2021.

I hope you enjoyed your holidays at least as much as our Asher Mir has!

And that’s all she wrote for 2020. Good riddance to another bad year. Say what you will about it, but this may be the first year in awhile (at least 4 years, if you’re USian) where there might be a glimmer of hope for the next. So, be like Asher, who almost always has that hopeful face.

Always be hopeful!

#Weeknotes S02 E36

I think it’s safe to say I’ve shaken the rust of my Weeknotes habit. It’s finally starting to come off of my writing as well!

Longest Writing Chain This Week: 7 days for 18 days for December total!

18 out of 19 days in a month! I could stop now, and still mark this as more progress as I’ve made in a couple of years. I won’t, though. But as I look ahead, maybe I can see my way to letting my self take some days off around the holidays. Maybe.

You know, now that I finally have something like a writing process again, maybe I can actually use weeknotes the way they’re supposed to be used, i.e. “to share one’s work processes, thoughts and reflections to everyone….” At least where writing is concerned. So, what happened this past week…?

  • My goal was to rebuild the streak I broke two Saturdays ago. I’m already halfway there!
  • There were a couple of days where I didn’t have a lot of energy after the dayjob. But at least I can say I legit used every ounce I had left doing the absolute bare minimum!
  • I had the joy of discovering a line that I wrote in the first draft working out better than I thought it would when I first wrote it.
  • But the weirdest experience this week…

Which is basically my way of noting how I’m writing enough to make it feel each session feel like an honest day’s work, where you’re in a groove regardless of whether things are going well or not. It’s been a really long time since I’ve felt that.

I stumbled across a Twitter thread from a writer with his nominations for what he considered the #BestClevelandWriting for 2020. I’ve had a couple of these books in my “currently reading” pile already (RUST BELT FEMME by Raechel Anne Jolie and RUST: A MEMOIR OF STEEL AND GRIT by Eliese Colette Goldbach).

I figured if the books being recommended were of that caliber, then it must be worth giving THE STORYTELLING CODE by Dana Norris a try. I know the last thing I need is “another craft book,” but it’s not as much about technique as it is the wide applicability of the art of storytelling. I’ll let you all know how it is.

It was weird how I almost immediately got hit with spoilers for the season 2 finale of THE MANDALORIAN (which I haven’t kept up with), while managing to dodge the spoiler for S02E10 of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. But it just leads me to conclude that the aging fan in me just doesn’t have the time and energy to spend fighting off the spoilers these days…?

When Mazikeen sings it, she sings, “Motherfucker, It’s Cold Outside.”

#Weeknotes S02 E35

Still shaking the rust off on these.

Longest Writing Chain This Week: 6 days for 11 days for December total!

Yes, I skipped yesterday. But I was exhausted and wanted to do other things. The last time I got remotely close to 16 consecutive days (counting November and December) was January 2017. I had more stretches of fewer days. Which wouldn’t be bad either, but I’m really looking to break the chain as little as possible. The real process breakthroughs though are the things I’m learning while I’m building that chain…

Finally getting around to Season 3 of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. I’m intrigued, even though it feels like I rode this ride before 20 years ago with GENE RODDENBERRY’S ANDROMEDA. (Wait… 20 years ago???) DISCO is a better show though (big surprise) but I really did like the first season of ANDROMEDA and the first season of Gene Roddenberry’s other show at that time from beyond the grave, EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT.

I’ve finally gotten to the David Cronenberg episodes. What, was CBS jealous that Disney has Werner Herzog on their franchise?

I’ve also been indulging the guilty pleasure of THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND. And by indulging, I mean snarking on it on social media.

I can’t decide if this is Filipino surrealism or just some ad people who hit the shabu pipe a little too hard…

In which Asher Mir depicts how I was feeling yesterday…

#Weeknotes S02 E34

Aaaand, we’re back! It’s been awhile but I finally feel like I have the brainspace to bring this back now and in the fast approaching new year. I’m choosing not to be too hard on myself about taking a break and instead to (a) be happy with the 33 straight weeks of entries that I did manage and (b) to approach the prospect of 52 straight weeks in 2021 with curiosity — i.e. How will I pull this off? — rather than a goal that I’ll either meet or fail (usually fail) to meet.

So, what’s been going on the past seven days?

Longest Writing Chain This Week: 7 days for 10 days total!

So far, so good building off of my November writing progress! It’s strange having found my way back into this groove, but I’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. The key this week (actually, over the last month) has been trusting my instincts, and it’s allowed me to take a story I’ve worked on for a couple of years and (I believe) come up with all the elements it needs. Now, I just need to fill in the words…

I picked Kit Reed’s STORY FIRST: THE WRITER AS INSIDER back up. I’d started reading this in January, so I went back a few pages from where I left off and finished it off between writing sessions. It definitely helped me through a couple of tough spots.

I haven’t been able to get this out of my head for a week. Now, the more cynical of us might think, “Oh great, a Journey cover band made of of current and ex-Journey members… like how some ex-members of Chicago did?”

No, I’m here to celebrate Journey Through Time – two original members of Journey (Neal Schon and Greg Rolie), one not-original member who was with the band almost 20 years (drummer Deen Castronovo), and three other guys. Not to diss the three other guys, but they’re not the point of my obsession.

I saw Journey live around maybe 1999 or 2000ish after Steve Augeri replaced the apparently not irreplacable Steve Perry on lead vocals. Supposedly, Castronovo would do the occasional lead but I can’t remember if he sang anything when I saw them. Because you would think I would’ve remembered the drummer sounding at least as good as the Steves. Hey, don’t take my word for it…

I know, right??

Don’t worry, Arnel — you’re still my boy!

Really, there’s only been one barrier to my writing in the past few weeks. A lovely, sweet baby girl of a barrier but still…

#Weeknotes S02 E33

I don’t whine on Twitter about my writing life very often these days. But the teardown of even more US government institutions, Birtherism II: Is Birthright Citizenship Really a Thing, Though?, and fire tornadoes… well, I was wound up anyway.

My current relationship with my writer self really is like the one between the Eagles in 1979 recording THE LONG RUN album. So I was sort of pondering these words this weekend.

Well, we’re scared, but we ain’t shakin’
Kinda bent, but we ain’t breakin’
In the long run
–Eagles, “The Long Run”

Yes, kindness to oneself can work. At least today. And I’ll worry about tomorrow well… tomorrow.

Until then, though, Mazikeen has the right idea.

#Weeknotes S02 E32

It’s a small cut, scabbed over by the time I got out of bed (read: the theater of operations for this morning’s feline war games) after it happened and got to the bathroom to see if I needed to do anything about it. It’s certainly not the biggest or most painful scratch the smol furry children have given me. The sudden stampede across my head was more shocking. The mild anxiety after the fact that but for another inch, I’d have been the new Left Eye was more traumatic. No it’s not true trauma, and I don’t say that with some dumb-dumb dismissal of my own pain. But c’mon, I know there’s worse going on out there.

I’m taking all this in when this hits me…

Suffice it to say, I know how Asher feels…

Nothing for it though but catching my breath and hitting it again next week.

#Weeknotes S02 E31

It’s late, I’m tired, and not doing so great. And while I don’t have the urge to crawl into, say, a bottle of any kind, Mazikeen does illustrate my mood perfectly.

I’ve only got a few things on my mind this week.

4 out of 5 days this week, our internet was out so all of my remote work had to be crammed through the tether from my ThinkPad to my cell phone like the dad in A CHRISTMAS STORY with his screwdriver and his plumber’s helper. It was a pain in the ass and I do not recommend it. But it worked and it just brought to mind just how good I still have it in the face of [gestures wildly] all this.

Another year, another Worldcon, huh?

Just Google it because I, like many other BIPOC in SF/F/H just can’t even right now.

I have no idea how I stumbled onto this, but my ears have some new candy now…

Saw the first two episodes and now I’m hooked.

#Weeknotes S02 E30

There’s a theme this week, and it appears to be age.

Behold, the greatest Huey Lewis and The News video since “I Wanna New Drug,” just released the other day.

This was also the week I finally caught up on the third season of STRANGER THINGS. And the most horrifying thing about it to me had nothing to do with the plot, but with how many memories of life in 1985 that came back to me. You know, I’m the exact same age at those kids and I think I spend an inordinate amount of time imagining how much more f’ed up they’d be in 2020. It’s morbid, really and not very helpful. I mean, you’d at least think I’d try to write a story about it. Okay, there may be an outline somewhere.

Between the phage in the air and the brownshirts in the streets, it’s been another week of trying to get by, paying the bills the best one can, and hunkering down with loved ones and weapons. Asher here has the right idea, don’t you buddy?

We’ll take a nap in the afternoon
That’s just part of the fun
So much of youth is wasted on the young
Watch your tongue
–Huey Lewis and The News, “While We’re Young”

#Weeknotes S02 E29

You can do just about anything remotely in the time of coronavirus, even screaming about the horrors of the world into the Icelandic wilderness. And they don’t stop, do they? This week, it was moms getting gassed on the streets of Portland by secret police. Well I’ve said before, if this Gestapo shit really has come back, then I hope that a Nuremberg comes back with it.

It does feel a little like being a cat in a laundry basket, though.

That just about sums up my week, really. Aside from sneaking a peek at the new incarnation of CHARMED. I’m probably not going to do a review on it, but I can pretty much say on the pro side, it’s as good as the old show. On the con side… it’s as good as the old show.

Anyway, I’ve decided this is the mental vibe I’m reaching for this next week. I’m not optimistic, but you need to have goals.

Music, help me through this
–Benny Sings, “Music”

#Weeknotes S02 E28

In between the horror of skyrocketing COVID-19 cases, racists being racists particularly against international graduate students this week, and sketchily pardoned political operatives in my social media feeds, it’s been noted that this is the weekend Readercon would be taking place. It’s been at least 5 or 6 years since I made it out there last. Not on purpose; just the way life has worked out. I’ve either had work stuff going on, or my schedule and finances made it easier to go to 4th Street Fantasy. So, why am I so wistful? Besides being one of the first cons I ever attended regularly, choosing not to go always feels different than when you don’t have a choice, right?

Felt the same about Dragon*Con, too, but at least it’s going virtual like a lot of other cons have this year.

In the meantime though, we’re all just muddling through as best we can especially if you’re not the kind of a-hole who’ll insist on going to Disney World like it ain’t no thing. Hard to blame them if Disney’s playing along, though.

Actually I take that back. It’s very easy for me to blame people regardless of what Disney is doing.

I, on the other hand, have only left the house this week to resume the process of getting a crown for my teefs and get batteries for the CO detectors. Because, adulting.

So, what’ve I been up to besides the dayjob?


I actually did follow along and produce a little ‘zine, though like I said, it’ll never see the light of day. Now, I just need to figure out how I’m going to put this knowledge to use. This also reminds me that I need to pull up Malaka Gharib’s I WAS THEIR AMERICAN DREAM from the depths of my TBR queue.

I’ve read and binge-watched some things; even wrote about it a bit. I really have to do more reviews. I still have the last two episodes of the first season of Jordan Peele’s TWILIGHT ZONE to do. It’s been a slog, trying to rebuild a sense of… well… life and art and the appreciation thereof during this time of coronvavirus. Like an apartment complex rebuilding after a fire.

Anyway, stay safe, wear masks, don’t go out there unless you have to. And if you’re going to ignore all that, at least don’t get filmed coughing on people and acting a fool, and then complain about the social consequences. Just don’t forget, I love you, wall!