#Weeknotes S03 E02

So, the people I should’ve been reaching out to after the election, the people I need to be afraid would be further(???) provoked by impeachment or the evocation of the 25th Amendment–these are the people I need to forgive and be understanding toward so the country “heals”?? Fuck all that. In the meantime, fair’s fair–you know, when Filipinos did the same thing, America made up a song about it.

So, Damn, Damn, Damn the Insurrectos right back at you!

And that goes for all the 90s syndicated F&SF TV stars I used to watch who turned batshit insane–I’m looking at you, Hercules! Thankfully, they’re not all bad.

Longest Writing Chain This Week: 3 days for… um… 5 days in January.

…fuck you want? There was a coup on.

But I’m back on the wagon today. Day 1. With 31 days being the record to beat.

I only today managed to get just far enough past the depression and doomscrolling from the week to feed my soul with a binge viewing of PRETEND IT’S A CITY featuring my literary and personal idol, Fran Lebowitz. Watching Fran speak, on any topic at all, has enthralled me since I was a ‘tween who stayed up too late watching her on the old LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN show.

Here’s a random Fran sampling, not from PRETEND. It’s ASMR for me, as far as I’m concerned…

But before I dive back into the wordsmithing, maybe a get myself little bit more personal comfort. I say this because, apparently, Mazikeen gets a vote. Possibly a veto, if I can’t get her off the ThinkPad.