Tweets for Today

  • 07:27 Oh yes, I voted! For change. #
  • 07:28 Two days left in my hell week. Will be studying like mad. #
  • 07:31 5 days to Cassandra Wilson!! ♫ #
  • 09:37 Today is going to really, really suck. #
  • 12:07 Being as prepared as I am for the next midterm has made me acutely aware of how much MORE prep I have yet to do. #
  • 16:50 Sad, because there’s just no way in hell I’m going to realistically write a word of anything before Fri :(. I’ll just have to binge, then 🙂 #
  • 18:02 Better study aid tonight: coffee or beer? #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 06:51 6 days to Cassandra Wilson!! ♫ #
  • 06:55 How did I frighten so many people on Halloween? Wearing this: #
  • 06:56 I might even get some NaNo words in today! #
  • 07:04 Music to get the blood flowing, ‘cos I’d really, really rather go back to bed. ♫ #
  • 07:34 Looking at my To Do List; awfully long for someone with a day off work :P~ #
  • 09:27 Doing the e-vagrant thing around town today, to my back’s detriment. Just too nice to work from home today. #
  • 09:34 Starting NaNo now, a dollar short and three days late. #
  • 10:30 426 NaNo words (quite enough for the morning), plus some words on the current MS. Just gonna do a bit more. #
  • 11:11 Okay, since I’ve written on skool days, it’s time to do some skoolwork for a bit. Free wireless isn’t going to aid the cause, I suspect. #
  • 13:52 Brain hurts from studying. Nothing that more caffeine won’t cure, I think. #
  • 13:53 Going home to "refuel" then back out for my TA’s extended ofc. hours. #
  • 20:10 Prep for Thursday’s midterm coming along nicely, so far! #
  • 20:13 Had some nice things said about a piece of mine at #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:05 Still reeling from Sharon Jones. But now…7 days until Cassandra Wilson!!! ♫ #
  • 07:31 Cramming in some journaling and a lil’ writing before moving the mom-in-law. #
  • 07:32 Forgot to mention my total gratitude for daylight savings time, saving my ass this weekend. #
  • 07:48 Last night’s opening act. Makes for some funky yet light listening on a Sunday morning. ♫ #
  • 17:07 Mission Accomplished! Just got back from feeding the movers. I can has life back, now? 🙂 #
  • 17:22 I don’t mind telling you all, it went a LOT smoother than I thought it was going to. #
  • 17:33 Off work tomorrow. And thank Christ for late PM extended office hours for skool! (Means I can write in the morning!!) #
  • 18:34 Staring at my NaNo notes, too spent to do much about them. #
  • 19:42 Menahan sure makes for decent writing music. ♫ #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:09 TONIGHT! Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings!!! ♫ #
  • 08:10 This morning, though: moving furniture around 🙁 #
  • 08:33 Need breakfast and coffee first, though. And a look at the current piece, of course 😉 #
  • 12:44 My phone now has more picture storage capacity than my camera. #
  • 13:35 Well, apparently that’s too much storage capacity for my phone. Back to Best Buy… #
  • 15:35 Furniture moved, stuff written, NaNo blown off. Got a text that Sharon Jones is doing a signing B4 the show, so off I go! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:13 2 days ’til Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings!!! ♫ #
  • 07:16 Still reeling from "Rose Tyler" on LIFE ON MARS (US) last nite. Can’t decide between fansquee and self-loathing for getting the reference. #
  • 07:19 Legally downloaded Bill Champlin’s new album; 1st ep of LIFE ON MARS (UK), not so much… #
  • 10:40 Wrote 2pgs of not-so-crappy dreck this AM. Still have no idea where this story’s going. #
  • 10:41 I have a better sense of the minor characters than I do the protagonist. But I’m getting there…maybe. #
  • 10:42 So far, successfully creeping out my coworkers :D. #
  • 11:29 A coworker: "The creep factor is very high." #
  • 11:33 Another coworker: "You can turn around and quit looking at me, now!" #
  • 14:20 Wrote 1pg. of NaNo notes when I should’ve been working on my current piece. #
  • 14:20 Another coworker: "You scared the shit out of me." #
  • 16:46 Will be prowling around downtown tonight hehe!! #
  • 18:26 Will hopefully be able to watch Bruce Weber’s biopic of trumpeter Chet Baker, LET’S GET LOST, when I get home. #
  • 22:06 Was called "terrifying" by passers-by and managed to scare at least one small child! 😉 #
  • 22:43 New cell phone plays Chicago songs! #
  • 23:10 Came to GHOST HUNTERS LIVE late, so I’m kinda lost. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:19 3 days ’til Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings!!! ♫ #
  • 07:20 What? What? WHAT? #
  • 07:21 I will not do writing market research on Skool Days, I will not do writing market…whoops, too late! 🙂 #
  • 09:17 Why didn’t my dental insurance get deducted from my pay?? #
  • 09:42 Oh yeah, 3rd check. The only advantage to still being hourly. Of course, it’s already gone. #
  • 14:00 The next seven days are going to be utterly craptacular! Bring it!! #
  • 16:56 "Why has my head gone numb?" #
  • 17:51 Gonna pick out the last bits of tomorrow’s costume…muahahaha! #
  • 20:40 Finally home. Costume shopping+studying=too tired to do much else tonite. #
  • 22:32 Should I feel bad about watching the US version of LIFE ON MARS when I’ve only seen snippets of the UK version? #
  • 22:33 Did they actually have to use "Rose Tyler"? Sheesh. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:27 4 days ’til Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings!!! ♫ #
  • 07:28 I hope it isn’t too cold to wear my retro LIFE ON MARS jacket for the concert. #
  • 11:31 Section was productive this morning! Might actually do better on the next midterm, now 🙂 #
  • 11:47 Carol Emshwiller’s "Abominable" is now on my list of favorite stories! #
  • 12:39 Will probably study at lunch…after reading more Emshwiller. #
  • 14:19 Almost caught up with studying. I cn has writin’ time now? #
  • 14:25 Of course we all know the answer should be, "NO!" #
  • 16:19 Why am I using my brain so much when some folks around me just refuse…? #
  • 16:26 Give me strength… #
  • 20:43 Trying to shake the thousand-yard stare and get back to studying. #
  • 20:46 "Somewhere in a lonely hotel room there’s a guy starting to realize that eternal fate has turned its back on him… ♫ #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:13 Is it a Skool day already? Might as well be, ‘cos the new piece is going nowhere fast. #
  • 07:13 5 days ’til Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings! ♫ #
  • 07:16 "Water Master" by Carol Emshwiller–this is how you build a fantasy world without the usual tropes #
  • 12:01 Weather is so sucky, it destroyed my umbrella, which made the walk to/from class oh, so much fun. #
  • 14:06 Submitting on the down-low. Shhh… #
  • 14:22 Sent out two Hail, Mary passes…I mean, submissions. Yeah, yeah on a Skool day. Sue me. #
  • 15:18 Need to spend some time tonite prepping the Halloween costume for work. Oh yes, people will be afraid! #
  • 17:03 There’s no reason for me to feel this french-fried. #
  • 17:52 There’ll probably be no writing this Skool Nite. That well feels dry right now… #
  • 19:41 Finishing touches for costume will have to wait. It’s too damn cold and windy out there for me–and I’m from Cleveland! #
  • 21:45 1,000-yard staring into my skoolbook instead of reading it. #

Via LoudTwitter