Slack! (Why Not?)

I’m considering a “radical” idea. I’ve got a couple of stories to work on finishing, so when the next crit group session comes, I’m not going to read. *Gasp!* That’s right, kids. I’m going to continue with “Masked,” and send it out to those folks who’ve agreed to read it. I might bring the rough draft of “The one with the warlock JuCo” (Yeah that’s a new one. I might put up a counter, but I’m not feeling it.) if too few people plan to read.

On the other hand, my original goal for that piece was to make it a flash piece…

New Old Toy

I forget if I’ve talked about wanting one of those PDA/fold-out keyboard combos, something to use as an ultraportable word processor to write on the fly a la Warren Ellis, et. al. Others have opted for something like this here device, the AlphaSmart 3000.

It’s a sturdy one-piece word processor. That’s it. No wireless or Bluetooth capability, not even Tetris–at least, not the lower-end model and certainly not on the discontinued models. And, having been loaned one for the past two days with an option to buy, it’s taken me exactly that long to fall in love with it. It’s an older, dinosaur model and not as small as a PDA, but it gives me exactly what I need!

It’s solid and light (less than two pounds). The battery life is ridiculously long. It dumps content onto my computer, into whatever program I can type into (Word, Notepad, whatever), and even works as a keyboard emulator, to boot. I typed out most of this entry (aside from some minor edits) in a coffee shop a few hours ago, and I’m right now watching it dump right into a Blogger entry box.

The implications for my writing productivity blow my mind. Plus, all the potential ways I could “lifehack” this thing–hell, it’s a listmaker and calculator, what more could a GTD geek ask for?

Of course, once I own this puppy, I have no excuse whatsoever for writing something–a “plug-in,” some flash fiction, the occasional brainstorm, some edits–every single day. Not that I’ll be using this every time, just for the times when I feel I just have to type as opposed to handwrite stuff for whatever reason.

Gone will be the days when I go, “Eh, I need to type this out; I’ll just wait until I get home.” Gone will be the days I lug around my laptop almost every damn day only to get a little bit done because I’ve dicked around on teh Intarwebs. Nope, no more excuses that don’t have to do directly with my willpower or lack thereof.

Tough Love

As you can see from the progress bar (until I nuke it, that is), I’m 99% done with the first draft of “The one with the mask,” which is now officially titled “Masked” (until I change it). No, I’m really not just one word shy of finishing. Rather, I’ve written all the scenes that I know are part of the story and it’s just a matter of putting them together.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t do it in time for the last group session, as I promised. They didn’t seem to mind. They seemed more upset at the idea that I wasn’t going to bring the story back. I mean, it’d been six weeks already. Luckily, they were almost unanimously willing to individually look at a finished version once I got it together, which should be in a few days (I hope).

Here’s what they had to say…

The Good

  • The portion I shared got the adrenaline running, it seemed.
  • I snuck in a revised, condensed version of some of the stuff I shared last time. No one seemed to have a problem with it. In fact, one person noted that I effectively implemented the fixes that were suggested in the last session. Hey, reduce, reuse, and recycle, right?

The Bad

  • I knew there’d be problems with the flashbacks sooner or later. I tried to stick with the rule about how to frame them grammatically in a story, but I floundered in places.
  • I had a couple of longish sentences.
  • There were a couple of minor plot points and details that could stand to be cut out.

The Ugly
How ugly could it have been when apparently it’s now the rule (as a joke!!) that I’m to read last so no one has to follow me? Okay, that was shameless of me to repeat that, but that’s what they said. No, for me the ugly part is that I just couldn’t get it all done. But, I’ve acquired a tool lately that will go a long way to removing some of the barriers to getting shit done that aren’t directly related to my will power.

Bad Attitude

Wow, I’m just not feeling it on any level right now. And, I’ve already written the first draft of a story today, a flash piece for the online flash crit group I’m in, in about an hour. I remember when that would’ve been a coup. Today, (a) I’m half-berating myself because that’s just not the project I’m supposed to be working on right now and (b) now I’ve got one more thing to edit.

I know that’s the absolute wrong way to look at things right now, but there it is.

Where’s My Inner Taskmaster?

Yes, I added about another thousand words to “The one with the mask.” But, the story’s still not done, I don’t think (which obviously means the MS isn’t finished). Alas, some of the pressure is off as the group is cancelled this week. But, this is opportunity–now, there’s absolutely no fucking excuse for not having a finished quality product ASAP.