Unvarnished Reviews

I gave the stuff I said in this post a few more seconds thought, and decided that without that bit of accountability, I didn’t feel compelled to read as much. So rather than doing a simple list here, and a review elsewhere, I’m going to compromise.

And, here we go–a list of what I read last week, with a quick, unvarnished impression about each piece.

All the readings, except where otherwise indicated, are from The Best of Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet.

David J. Schwartz, “The Ichthyomancer Writes His Friend With an Account of the Yeti’s Birthday Party” – Cool title. Nice mix of the mythical, the magical, and the real. 4 out of 5.

Veronica Schanoes, “Serpents” – This is the second story I’ve read from the author, the first being “Rats.” “Serpents” isn’t quite as powerful, but just as beautifully written. 4 out of 5.

David Marusek, “Osama Phone Home” – From the December ’07 F&SF. A little something for the mundane sci-fi lovers out there. Some exposition “worthy” of the usual sci-fi, though it probably moved about as quickly as possible. Saw the twist end coming, but from only about a tenth of a mile away. 3.5 out of 5.

Benjamin Rosenbaum & David Ackert, “Stray” – Also from the Dec. ’07 F&SF. A historical fantasy, with time and place deftly defined in a single paragraph–that alone was worth the price of admission! A nice steady pace too, despite a couple of jumps in time. The conceit is sort of close to a story I wrote and have been shopping around, but only if you squint your eyes really hard. 5 out of 5.

Douglas Lain, “Music Lessons” – Brilliant concept and brilliant combination of Mr. Rogers and Whitley Streiber. Too alienating (get it?) to read at the end of a work day, though. 3.5 out of 5.

Bring Out Your Dead

My house is officially a plague house. I’ve now relapsed about three times, making me call off sick from work today.

You know what this means…random blogging!

F&SF has a blog, now.

The things I miss not checking out McSweeney’s as much as I used to…

Famous Authors Predict the Winner of Super Bowl XLII
by Shane Ryan

Went to a reading/Q&A by local author Rebecca Barry (website | blog). Didn’t pick up her novel Later, at the Bar right then, but it is on my list.

Irish coffee seems to be the best for getting me over whatever strain of typhoid I’ve got going on right now.

Tough Love

I haven’t posted one of these in awhile, mainly because the last session was the only one in the past three or four where I brought anything. December and January were editing months. I’ve been focusing on getting stories polished and off my plate before allowing myself to get too far on new ones.

While I didn’t bring anything this time around, I think that I did some of my best critiquing of other folks’ work this session (and last time, too) if I do say so myself. At least I didn’t hear too many dissenting voices. But that’s not even the important thing–I say this because there’s also a correlating increase in my ability to spot mistakes in my own stories.

The (temporary) downside is that it’s slowed my yet-to-be-cemented rewriting process down.


I’ve got two stories slated to go out this week. A couple of flash things. Fingers crossed.

Writer’s Block Procrastination

For three days, I’d been trying to get this section of a story rewritten. For two of those days, I was sick. Still, Gunny brooks no excuses…

The point is that on the morning of day 4, I did in just under forty minutes what I’d been dreading for those three days.

So far, this quote, attributed to comics writer Brian K. Vaughn, bears out in my personal experience…

“Writer’s block” is just another word for video games. If you want to be a writer, get writing, you lazy bastards.

Yes, I didn’t write for two days and I felt stopped by 3/4 of a page of stuff I didn’t like. Yet when I finally sat down–with no more inspiration than I had before, other than the mental image of R. Lee Ermey telling me to get myself squared away–I reworked it to my satisfaction in forty minutes. On the other hand, why does it seem I have to keep learning that lesson, over and over like it’s brand new?

January Scorecard

Last year I tried to keep a running tab of submissions, rejections, and pubs. It got to be a pain to update “whenever,” so I’m gonna do it monthly for awhile and see how that works out.


What can I say, it’s been an editing month. Not happy about the submission rate, but I’ve got time to bring that up.

EDIT: Sorry I’ve edited this 100 times, but I’ve been trying to get the fucking CSS straight.

What Do You Say to a Mocha?

“Going down?”

Isn’t it amusing that one can frequent a particular café so much that the baristas actually start calling your name out loud just like Norm on Cheers?

Today, I buy this replacement coffee tumbler to replace one I just lost. It’s the exact same model, which causes one barista to remark, “That’s so Don!” But hey, like Nick Nolte said in Another 48 Hours, unapologetic for buying the same make and model car that got destroyed in the original movie, “I get used to things.”

Thinking Out Loud

Permit me to muse. I’m just going to think out loud about what I’m going to do with this blog (and maybe that blog, too). And what I won’t do…maybe. Probably.

Remember that list of short stories I read every week? It does get a little tedious, since I read so many of them anymore. Maybe I’ll just stick to doing Quick Reviews like I did on Raketenwerfer (which is on hiatus). Because there is, as others have noted after Stephen King’s fueling of the rumors of the death of the short story, a need for stories to be talked about on teh intarweb.

I put reference material on here. I also put reference material on my del.icio.us account. It feels like I’m violating a basic GTD/lifehacking principle if I don’t have a clear reason for maintaining both.

(To say nothing of the archive I keep on Google Bookmarks–although those are in holding and do get processed once in a blue moon.)

I used to keep a bi-weekly Tough Love log of how my latest pieces fared at the crit group I’m part of. Again, a little too tedious anymore. For one, the story I gave them last week was my first in about three meetings, and was a story that I wrote about six months ago. I felt guilty not having brought anything, even though I’ve been on a heavy editing spree lately. Maybe I should just junk it? The posts, not the group. No, the group is still far too valuable to me…

…which brings me to a tangent, which should really be the subject of another entry.
(Note to self: write this entry.)

I’ve been collecting (in two paper journals and one electronic one) my thoughts about the writing process that’s forming the basis of my own process. Do I put them all together and throw them on here?

I’ve been collecting (in the same scattered fashioned) others’ thoughts on the same subject. Consolidate them on here?

What to do, what to do…?