Tweets for Today

  • 07:32 This weekend: Halloween, Sharon Jones/Dap-Kings concert, & moving Mom-in-law. No time for group–sadness! Have to MAKE the time to write. #
  • 07:37 Theme of the week: "Gotta keep your head down and be as cool as you can" ♫ #
  • 07:39 Form rejection from a place I’ve gotten personal rejections from. And, this week’s off and running to a craptastic start!! #
  • 11:11 Next piece has a good hook, I think, but damned if I know WTF to do with it. #
  • 11:11 Wrote 1pg. of utter dreck this morning, which ended up being more of a character study than an actual scene. #
  • 14:10 I need to get back into the habit of making my lunches, again. That, or quit buying so many goddamn books ;). #
  • 14:23 Couldn’t bring myself to write. Read more Emshwiller instead–words I couldn’t come up with on my best day. A lil’ discouraging…. #
  • 15:05 Two stories to send out, one old (Nngg!) and one new! Old one’s going to an anthology. Why not? Nothing to lose at this point. #
  • 17:32 Wow, I’ve actually been too busy working to send out my stories from work ;). #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:51 Agreed to be hog-tied and dragged by family and friends to the Booksale today. Oh, the pain…the pain…. #
  • 08:08 We love having overnight guests, but I never sleep well when they’re around. #
  • 08:12 A writer’s nightmare (certainly mine): #
  • 08:18 Something else that might’ve helped my meltdown 2 weeks ago: Writing to get better vs. writing to matter #
  • 10:09 Trip to Booksale delayed as the apartment gets Feng Shui’ed *headsmack* #
  • 14:11 The Booksale just wasn’t enough, no. Had to hit ANOTHER used bookstore. Is there a CELBRITY REHAB for bookbuyers? #
  • 14:22 I’m going to hang out with friends a little more, read a bit, and then make a decision on where to send the latest MS. #
  • 15:46 Catching up on MEET THE PRESS via podcast. Yeah, I’ll start writing in a bit, promise. #
  • 15:47 To be fair though, I’ve written on Skool Nites so shouldn’t I be studying tonight? #
  • 16:06 I’m dragging and I don’t want to nap. We all know what that means. And if I take books, I won’t buy any more w/my coffee (right?) #
  • 17:49 Tried to continue something new from a month ago. I got nowhere :(. Edited about 100words from the latest MS, instead. #
  • 17:55 Maybe–and I hardly ever say this–I need a night off. #
  • 18:08 Gonna read and veg out to some J-pop for awhile. ♫ #
  • 20:04 Ok, no more revisions! -100 words is enough. It goes off tomorrow, as is. #

Via LoudTwitter

“All afternoon, those birds twitter twit”

Guess LoudTwitter must’ve had a senior moment last night. So here’s the Tweets for Today recap from yesterday.

Tweets for Today

  • 07:16 Weekend writing agenda is set. Now to figure out which coffee shops to grace with my presence. #
  • 07:18 Rough week. "I had everything thrown at me that the judge and jury could hurl." ♫ #
  • 11:06 MS is in the "fine-tuning" stage. Progress was slow, because I still suck at rewriting quickly. #
  • 11:20 Best article on Fantasy vs. Magical Realism that I’ve read thus far (not that I agree with every word): #
  • 12:43 Sitting in the eye of the hurricane here at the Diamond Mines. #
  • 14:27 Frustrated with the MS at lunch, so I read another heartwrenching Carol Emshwiller story instead. She’s really good at those. #
  • 16:49 Praying my USB drive is virus-free. #
  • 16:56 I am officially OUT of the eye of the hurricane here at the Diamond Mines… 🙁 #
  • 17:53 Test post from Google/BeTwittered. Because why not eliminate the 2 xtra mouse clicks it takes to get here? #
  • 19:48 Late nite at work, but not so bad. On the upside: looks like my USB drive is clean!! #
  • 19:52 Staring blankly at the MS. I doubt even caffeine would help at this point. #

Via LoudTwitter

Going on an Office Depot Run

I’m actually too tired to check if this is real or sheer BS…

In the current issue of the journal Nature, Dr. Putterman and his colleagues report that surprisingly fierce flows of electrons were unleashed as the tape was unpeeled and its gooey adhesive snapped free of the surface. The electrical currents, in turn, generated strong, short bursts of X-rays — each burst, about a billionth of a second long, contained about 300,000 X-ray photons.

How does one even think to check for something like this? It’s like wondering who exactly was the first human being to discover that licking certain species of toad could get you high.

Tweets for Today

  • 07:18 Hallelujah, I slept thru the nite! Hit the snooze bar 8 times, tho. #
  • 07:20 One more skool day, then it’s back to the current MS! Oh, who am I kidding? It’s coming out after lunch. #
  • 07:24 Leftover pasta and Italian sausage for breakfast–why not? 🙂 #
  • 09:35 Is it me, or is the office swill loosely referred to as "coffee" stronger than usual? Not that I’m complaining… #
  • 12:46 If I didn’t do so hot on today’s quiz, it’s only because I second-guessed myself. Again. Story ‘o my life. #
  • 12:47 On the upside, the MS is coming along :). #
  • 13:33 A certain SFF market reports, "202 stories rec’d, 128 rejected." Two of those rejects are mine! I got a 3rd piece in. Waiting for rejection. #
  • 18:07 Facing potentially sad medical news about a family member. No Dx confirmation from any Docs (aka Guessers in White Coats) yet. #
  • 18:13 I’m now reminded that I’m overdue for a physical… #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 04:17 Woke up for no good reason, second night in a row. So fucking uncool! ♫ #
  • 07:15 Barely awake. Section this morning is near coffee, thank Christ! Though from the temp, I’ll probably wake up soon as I walk outside. #
  • 11:27 Planning trek downtown to pay off some townsfolk: the indie bookstore, the library, the Hx Society, outdoor store…geez, anyone else?? #
  • 11:54 Jonesing for a red-eye, and it’s not Thursday. Screw it! #
  • 13:40 Mmm, that first sip of red-eye felt like The Quickening… ♫ #
  • 15:01 On having a Rejection Recovery Plan–could’ve used this last week during my emotional meltdown. #
  • 15:14 If I’d seen *this* last week, I’d have done a Nick Cage in LEAVING LAS VEGAS thing: #
  • 17:44 It’s been The Greatest Show on Earth here at work tonite. Full-on three-ring! #
  • 20:00 Got my latest Small Beer Press joint: –too bad I’m too busy studying for my quiz tomorrow to read it. #
  • 20:49 Being regaled by the tales of a budding filmmaker dinnerguest over vino–when I should be studying!! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 04:10 "Four in the morning came without a warning…" Dammit. ♫ #
  • 07:16 Surprisingly awake, despite the intermittent insomnia. #
  • 09:18 Bus arrived late and no coffee left upon arrival. This does not bode well. #
  • 09:42 The No Writing on Skool Days rule is back in effect…sort of. #
  • 12:16 Pounding my head against this stats software for skool. Lack of sleep and decent caffeine isn’t helping. #
  • 14:31 No Writing on Skool Days, my ass :). 1 pg. of notes, that’s all. I swear! #
  • 17:08 Needs a little bit o’ ___ to relax my mind. ♫ #
  • 17:08 Feeling like Mr. Spock in the episode "Spock’s Brain." #
  • 17:15 Trying to decide just how lazy I want to be for the next 90 minutes… #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:02 Hit snooze bar too many times. Gotta finish waking up! ♫ #
  • 08:19 Revisions in progress for last piece. Got notes for a new piece that’s on deck. #
  • 08:24 Can’t believe I’ve never posted this quote before: #
  • 08:25 I keep coming back to this quote, too: #
  • 10:25 Why do I feel like I’m only running on 4 out of 6 cylinders? #
  • 12:34 Been awhile since I had anything to read to my group so I could post one of these: #
  • 14:22 3 phone messages at lunch: Wife coming home from Beantown, the book I ordered is in, and I’m overdue for a physical. #
  • 15:10 God help me: I’ve started a NaNo idea list! No, no, no, no, no…. #
  • 18:20 I do NOT. Have TIME. To come DOWN with something!! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tough Love

Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these! It’s been so long since I’ve written anything new, being so focused on revising and submitting. But, I managed to write and revise a new piece in two weeks, and still have it come out half-decent, at least according to the group…

The Good
  • Story was called “fun”
  • Character not a stereotype (a dancer turned soldier, trying to be a dancer again)
  • Message of the story was delivered “gently”
  • Good ending with a change in the character (or, an acceptance of that change on the character’s part)
  • Story painted a picture of a future that was “right around the corner”
The Bad
  • Unclear at the outset that my protagonist was female
  • Character didn’t seem feminine enough to one member; the occupational hazard of a male writing a female POV.
  • The secondary character was introduced early, but wasn’t much of a character then.
  • Some minor story points that raised too many questions and were better off eliminated
  • Some “writerly” phrases better off eliminated, especially since they caused some confusion as to the setting.

The Ugly

  • Too many plot questions raised about the sci-fi element in the story, which some members admitted weren’t necessarily central to the piece, although…
  • Those questions raised philosophical questions about the business of artistry and humanity

And, I haven’t the first clue how to address that last issue… :(.