Tweets for Today

  • 07:11 You know what? I’m going back to bed. #
  • 10:13 Feeling dizzy and nauseuous for no good reason I can think of… #
  • 15:35 Have been on the couch in and out of consciousness all day. Think the world’s finally stopped spinning, now. #
  • 17:54 Can’t seem to remain upright for more than 10 minutes at a time. Might–MIGHT–just have to accept that nothing’ll get done today… 🙁 #
  • 20:22 Thoroughly disgusted with having been on my back all day. Won’t go to bed until I accomplish one thing, if it kills me. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:44 Something to get the blood flowing this morning. God knows I need it. ♫ #
  • 07:47 Suddenly in the mood for more UK R&B. ♫ #
  • 07:59 Surprisingly not that hungover. Almost feels like I’ve done something wrong :). #
  • 08:00 I think I’m going to spend the morning trimming down my reading queue. Then I’ll write. Later. Promise. Depending on how things go. #
  • 08:42 I defy you not to find a character you can relate to in this story: #
  • 09:07 The First Amendment is just way too much freedom for some people. #
  • 13:06 BeTwittered’s failed once too often for me today. #
  • 13:06 So much for getting things done this afternoon: OSU vs. Michigan’s on!! #
  • 14:25 81 yd. punt return!! Bwah-hahaha! #
  • 14:25 And now, the TD!! #
  • 14:28 What can I say? You can take the boy out of Ohio, but alas (tho at times I wish you could)… #
  • 15:15 "Our honor defend we will fight to the end for OHIO!" ♫ #
  • 16:26 Have to root for Michigan State, now. If they beat Penn St., then OSU goes to the Bowl! #
  • 18:01 95% done with last (easy peasy) homework assignment for skool–almost a MONTH ahead of schedule! A total first for me!! #
  • 18:09 OSU’s prospects don’t look too good right now :(. #
  • 18:42 Well, at least OSU beat Michigan… #

Via LoudTwitter

Saturday Brain Dump

Basically because I’m procrastinating, plus I couldn’t believe I came here today to find nothing on my site but reposted tweets, I needed some constructive filler.

I’m a big believer in Brian K. Vaughn’s view on writer’s block (“Writer’s block” is just another word for video games. If you want to be a writer, get writing, you lazy bastards.), but as a corollary, I believe that sometimes writer’s block is a way of telling you that there’s too much on your mind and that you need a core dump.

I’m not making excuses, but this has been a busy fall, between getting my academic feet wet again for the first time in a decade, family issues, and the physical/emotional perils of the writing life. I’m getting by, but at this point I feel like all I’m good for is waiting for the clock to run out on the rest of the year. It’s not necessarily a bad feeling, either.

I’ve been spending time deleting things, starting with crap I’m accumulating online, and finally perusing the crap taking up space on my hard drive. I freed up a few GB of space just this morning by deleting whole albums I don’t listen to anymore. There was just no reason for Neko Case’s entire catalog to be sitting on my hard drive for a year.

Still waiting to hear re: a bunch of October story submissions. Got one rejection back the other day and just haven’t had the time to figure out where to re-submit it.

Most of my reposted tweets lately have to do with this bastard of a story I’m writing. The story before it came out so easily, and with this one, I’m pulling teeth. Lesson learned: sometimes (some folks will say most times), you just have to construct a story.

I’m a long ways off from my goal of drafting a story a week. But my writing/editing output has never been more regular. I’d like to see more finished product for 2009.

That’s all for now, I think. Time to find something else to procrastinate over write.

Tweets for Today

  • 07:32 Trying to go the distance, but I just wanna crawl back into bed and blow off the morning. Can’t. ♫ #
  • 10:33 Rewrote the intro to the latest story for the 3rd fucking time. Almost junked the whole thing. #
  • 10:34 Did make some minor breakthroughs. Finally accepted that this story’s going to take some actual construction. #
  • 10:49 Wondering how accurate this "Slang of the 30s" is: #
  • 11:07 Can’t believe I’m going to take the time tonite to watch these idiots: #
  • 11:07 Have we figured out that I’m in no mood to do any work whatsoever? #
  • 12:42 Need a core dump. What if I just junked all my Google Bookmarks, links, etc. and just started over…? #
  • 14:23 Gave the piece another (better?) title and did a scene breakdown. Better sense now of what I have and where I need to go. #
  • 14:25 Y’know, I write decent scenes. The story blows because there’s no coherent thread…yet. #
  • 16:44 Autopilot has set in… #
  • 17:57 Planning to get comfortably numb tonite…before GHOST ADVENTURES. #
  • 19:46 Can I muster the energy for pizza and beer that isn’t delivered straight to my mouth? #
  • 22:17 Back from an evening with a fellow Ohio transplant. Full of microbrew. Will top it off with a little wine, now. #
  • 22:23 These fools are so much more entertaining when you’ve had a few: #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:24 This’ll wake me up. It’d better, ‘cos I feel like going right back to bed and hibernating. ♫ #
  • 12:08 Walk to skool was less treacherous today. Still uphill, though. #
  • 12:09 Is it wrong to bump a story collection down on my reading queue because there are 2 interlinked novellas in a row? Oh well… #
  • 12:27 This just might save me from my next writer meltdown (which I’m sure is coming very soon). "On Writing and Sanity" #
  • 15:27 "I’m on a ride and I wanna get off, but they won’t slow down the roundabout." (The ride’s called "Work.") ♫ #
  • 16:37 So. Burned. Out. #
  • 17:26 "I demand to have some booze!" #
  • 17:57 @CoyoteWild About as well as it worked for Withnail. I’m almost at this point: #
  • 19:52 Got the kettle on, my favorite mug, the teabag ready, and more importantly, the Tullamore Dew. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:01 Wine buzz helped me clean up my draft. Didn’t help me with new words, though. #
  • 07:02 If I can get some new words in today, then maybe I’ll do some problem sets for skool. Maybe. #
  • 10:52 Loving the campus "walk up and down these icy stairs at your own risk" policy they’ve got going. Maybe it’s to thin out the herd? 🙂 #
  • 11:08 Have the perfect writing/skool compromise: sneak in some problem sets at *work*–duh! #
  • 11:56 Live Piracy Map 2008: #
  • 12:35 Plan to do skoolwork during work work hasn’t worked out so well so far :(. #
  • 14:34 I had the problem sets out, the book open, pencil in hand…and I just zoned. It was a 1000-yard stare kinda lunch hour. #
  • 18:24 Feeling the pull of an indie bookstore sale… #
  • 20:35 Didn’t buy anything…on sale…at the bookstore. Guess my new-book-guilt must be assuaged a bit. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:04 Okay, I finally admit it…it’s cold. #
  • 07:06 Build your own antho with some decent SFF authors-Tobias S. Buckell, Cat Rambo, Jay Lake to name a few: #
  • 09:05 I have to walk uphill in the snow to get to skool! Both ways (not really)! #
  • 12:43 Class was too productive to get any writing done 🙁 #
  • 12:47 Updated my rejec…I mean, submission log. Sad, sad sight. 🙁 #
  • 13:29 OMG! A r.l. version of a John Kessel alt.history story I read just last night: #
  • 13:37 The aforementioned alt.history story "The Invisible Empire" by John Kessel: #
  • 18:02 Blowing off skoolwork tonite for writing. Gonna straighten out my new intro, and then take today’s frustrations out on my protagonist :). #
  • 20:24 Might’ve had a little too much wine to write much… #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:02 "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"…christ… ♫ #
  • 07:04 Duh! The aforementioned story "where two queer psychic cops infiltrate an occult BDSM nightclub" is online: #
  • 11:03 Funny what you can do when you sit your ass down & force yourself: like 1 pg of new words, a rewritten intro, and a tentative working title! #
  • 11:12 Wondering if I’ve done enough writing to get a jump on skoolwork tonite. Nah. #
  • 12:33 Paid The Man his parking ticket money–damn vultures 🙂 #
  • 14:15 Lunch hour totally unproductive, thanks to faulty electronics. Music electronics, that is 🙁 #
  • 15:19 Sun was shining at lunch; looks like nuclear winter out there now 🙁 #
  • 16:41 …and the rejections start to stream back in, coming home to roost, as it were. #
  • 16:42 New life dilemma: take a workout class 2x/week on skool nites? Worth the 14 hr. days? #
  • 18:06 Looks like the class is only 1x/week. Still might not be the smartest thing to do right now, even tho I’m pretty flabby anymore. #
  • 21:27 Once again, learned the lesson "don’t skimp on electronics." #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 09:01 This is the second cool writing quote I’ve gotten from a Carol Emshwiller story: #
  • 09:13 My protagonist’s theme song. Still trying to figure out how to make it play out, though. ♫ #
  • 09:14 Actually I’ve had a couple of protagonists with that theme song. Wonder if it means anything? Naaaah… #
  • 09:25 Props to Randy Coutre, but wtf was he thinking? #
  • 18:29 I NEED the antho w/a story "where two queer psychic cops infiltrate an occult BDSM nightclub." #
  • 20:44 Major procrastination mode. Van Damme’s BLOODSPORT on TV. STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS on in 15 min. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:13 If my current piece had a soundtrack, this song would be on it: ♫ #
  • 08:14 Been 2 or 3 stories since I thought up a soundtrack for a piece…hm. #
  • 08:18 Flickr pool devoted to my favorite fast food place. More to binge on over Thanksgiving: #
  • 08:48 Enuff screwing around. Let the editing begin (with BookTV in the background)!! #
  • 09:44 *sigh* Yes, I’ve got a stronger narrative. But still, no "hook" and no title…unless I worm it back in somehow…? #
  • 09:47 DOCTOR WHO X-mas special 2008 trailer: #
  • 09:51 Agenda for the rest of the morning: Breakfast, more coffee, haircut, & more editing. #
  • 09:59 Yeah yeah, and more draft, too. #
  • 10:52 Weighing my weekend agenda against this decision tree: #
  • 15:05 You know the guilt about your reading backlog is bad when you can’t even bring yourself to check books out of the library. #
  • 15:07 All my favorite writing spots about town were either crowded or uncomfortable. Only have 1 pg of line-edits to show for my trouble thus far. #
  • 15:19 Podcast interview with Benjamin Rosenbaum (aka the next author in my reading queue): #
  • 18:48 I think I actually got more writing done last week while I had the Andromeda Strain. *sigh* #

Via LoudTwitter