• 09:40 Like the phoenix from the ashes, I have slept, but now I have awakened!! And I’m the one who’s sorry…at work. 🙁 #
  • 09:41 I’m half brain-dead, and I still managed to solve three of my coworkers’ problems. Would gloat if I weren’t so groggy. #
  • 11:13 Since this tweet disappeared yesterday: Will be camera-meat in local film student’s project this Sunday nite! ACTing!! #
  • 11:13 Trying to conserve my energy to make it to this, this afternoon tinyurl.com/cepvf9 #
  • 11:15 Just for kicks & giggles, I’ll show up Sun w/script notes in red & demands for my trailer. 🙂 #
  • 12:34 Of course, since I’m scheduled to have an early day, the next 2.5 hours are going to be the longest. of. my. life. #
  • 12:57 RT @victoriastrauss Things to do in private: Playboy puts 53 back issues online for free tinyurl.com/c597st [Y’know, 4 the articles.] #
  • 13:40 I’d feel so much better if I could just temporarily detach my head and drain it! #
  • 14:04 Am cautiously optimistic about tonite’s #BSG finale. Who’m I fooling–I’d watch it even if I wasn’t ;). #
  • 14:21 Unless I can finagle access, I prolly won’t be livetwittering from this talk 🙁 tinyurl.com/cepvf9 #
  • 16:02 Yes! Tenuously connected to teh interwebz! I am here: tinyurl.com/cepvf9 #
  • 16:08 Lesson 1: good impressions matter in job interviews, even if you don’t get the gig. People could refer you w/out knowing. #
  • 16:10 Lesson 2: damn, show business can be cold–to one’s advantage. #
  • 16:14 Lesson 3: the importance of any kind of arts education to learn to tell *stories*. #
  • 16:16 Lesson 4: school won’t/can’t teach you some things about "the Business." #
  • 16:22 Lesson 5: careful which bridges you burn, but you gotta do what you gotta do #
  • 16:29 Lesson 6: the importance of the fist legit job. being a writer means getting read. being a director means getting stuff seen. #
  • 16:30 …and then, the (show biz) agents start calling *you* #
  • 16:42 Lesson 7: Pitching to networks = pitching the *series*, rather than just the premise. #
  • 17:04 Lessons 8-327: more going on during the Q&A than I can possibly tweet 🙂 #
  • 18:12 Made sure not to cough in my hand for the entire presentation hoping for the chance to shake hands with the man, which I got! #
  • 18:21 Recalling conversation at work re: St. Paddy’s day festivities masking my symptoms. Decided to give that approach another shot. #
  • 18:30 RT @The_Rumpus the editor’s desk, note from austin, how to make money in the arts tinyurl.com/cnftdu #
  • 19:07 Accepted that I’ll get very little done tonite. Just gonna kill time until #BSG finale. #
  • 20:08 Gah! It’s that sucktastic 3rd-last #BSG ep. The one where we find out Baltar was descended from the McBaltars. #
  • 21:42 Did I glimpse a gold centurion? #bsg #

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