• 07:23 As if I don’t have a hard enough time avoiding *new* TV–Carl Sagan’s COSMOS on Hulu www.hulu.com/cosmos #
  • 07:24 Next two days are gonna be long and painful. All work & no write make Don a dull boy :(. #
  • 09:44 AM mtg. wasn’t too heinous. At least, not for me. Now, only 8.75 hours to go. #
  • 09:50 Cat Rambo, Jim C Hines, Merrie Haskell & Tobias Buckell on World Building for Short Stories tinyurl.com/cg2grh #
  • 09:51 Just what I need–writing advice when I know there’s no time for me to write. The universe is a cruel place :(. #
  • 11:46 Still not physically 100% for the uphill climb to skool. Gonna have to suck it up, tho ;). #
  • 11:54 But at least I’ll have my noise cxl’ing headphones again. Guess I’ll have to relearn not getting so absorbed that I walk into traffic heh. #
  • 13:35 Writing bug, leave me alone! Don’t want to notice the fascinating undergrad dialogue around me! Refuse to write it down. Midterm, remember?? #
  • 13:37 Ah…screw it. šŸ˜€ #
  • 15:06 Just now realized that not only can I breathe thru both nostrils, I’m *not* coughing up any more lung tissue! Huzzah!! #
  • 15:09 Because I wanted a kick-ass happy song! ā™« blip.fm/~3ehf3 #
  • 16:08 Wondering how heavily I’d have to hit the skoolbooks tonite to merit some writing time before Friday…? #
  • 16:16 Following too many Twitters but don’t want to cut. Have TweetDeck on the netbook but I’m not always on the netbook. What to do…? #
  • 17:06 Praying for 90 min of peace. Obviously, I’ve just jinxed myself. #
  • 17:46 Sun and warmth seem to be doing something strange to my mood. Far, far fewer violent impulses today :D. #
  • 17:58 RT @charlesatan Basic Online Publicity by Cat Rambocatrambo.livejournal.com/229929.html #
  • 18:55 Escaped from my 10 hr. day a few minutes early to get a jump on studying. Out of the frying pan, etc. #
  • 18:57 Study playlist: Toshiko Akiyoshi-Lew Tabackin Big Band #
  • 20:44 I’ve got 8 days to the midterm and a plan of attack. Bring it!! #
  • 21:10 Tonite’s GHOST HUNTERS at Edith Wharton’s retreat, The Mount! Makes me want to read some Wharton. #
  • 21:39 Just added myself to the wefollow.com twitter directory under: #writer #fantasy #shortstories #

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