Track This

I’ve taken one step backward from my trend toward low-tech/no-tech writing solutions. Although, I guess running portableapps off a USB stick, or storing stuff on Google Docs isn’t exactly low-tech. But I’ve been trying to decrease my computer dependance as much as is feasible. Because I just can’t carry around a laptop anymore, nor do I particularly have to.

I used to track my submissions in a small Moleskine cahir notebook. But, I’ve upgraded to Sonar now.

So far, so good!

Tweets for Today

  • 10:22 Edited 3 pp before work. Spent 30 min. on one damn paragraph! #
  • 11:50 Fiddling with my Twitter site settings. Doesn’t make it look too much better, does it? #
  • 14:35 Going with the basic white on the Twitter site. As if I don’t have real work I should be doing. #
  • 17:45 Trying like mad to cross stuff off my goodreads "currently-reading" list. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 09:00 Will hopefully get a decision today re: class. "Should I stay, or should I go?" #
  • 09:02 Correction: as of right now, only Jim Lehrer is stalking me via Twitter, not Neal Conan or the spirit of Tim Russert. #
  • 11:54 Looks like I’m in!! #
  • 15:38 Less stress about class + Decreased caffeine intake = Kinder, gentler Don. At least until the next thing ticks me off… #

Via LoudTwitter

This WILL Be Mine!

I so fucking want this…

Can you blame me…?

The TARDIS has two doors, which open inward as they do in the series. Inside, we see a printed backdrop to indicate the interior and the central control console. When it’s opened, an interior light shines down on the floor.

The doors snap firmly into place when opened. To close them, you pull the left door closed first, then push a button inset into the floor (nicely disguised on the brick-tile floor), which snaps the other door shut. The phone panel on the left door snaps open to reveal the old-time telephone.

When you lift the TARDIS, a button on the bottom triggers the dematerialization/takeoff sound, which is accompanied by flashing police light. The interior lights remain on (and can be seen through the frosted windows and the police box panels at the top) during motion. There are three dematerialization sounds, slow, fast and emergency takeoff.

Two materialization sounds can play when the TARDIS lands, triggered by the same button being pressed.

Shaking the TARDIS side to side triggers two “turbulent flight” sounds.

An interesting feature caught my eye on the bottom of the TARDIS: a small, rotating plastic divot. I wondered what it could be for (before reading the instructions). It fits a finger, which allows you to support the TARDIS with one finger while spinning the TARDIS by its top-mounted police light. You can rotate this thing pretty fast, and while you do so, it plays the spinning vortex sound effect.


Tweets for Today

  • 12:37 Reinventing the wheel at work. Again. #
  • 15:14 Finally, finally, FINALLY sent a story out again! Almost forgot what that felt like. #
  • 18:14 Jonesing for caffeine like a junkie from a ’70s blaxploitation movie. #
  • 20:36 Staring at my latest editing project. Just staring… #
  • 21:59 Following The News Hour, Meet the Press, and Talk of the Nation here on Twitter. Two of the three are following me. Why? #

Via LoudTwitter

“Feels like the first time”

Despite the Tweet, I made the Sign of the Cross and sent out my first story in months. The summer was just so crazy, what with cramming for the GRE and having to quickly formulate and reformulate my grad school aspirations about twelve or so times. I had to cram in the editing time I could. I think I’ve lost count of just how many stories I have in the trunk to revise–three or four. Well, at least I got one down.

I seriously forgot how hard it is to just let a piece go. I had to make myself do it! Just like that first swim in the summertime when you’re a kid, and you’re dreading how cold that water is, no matter how many times you’ve already jumped into the damn pool. Finally, your only options are to walk away or just say “Fuck it…”

Tweets for Today

  • 08:45 Finally got FF reinstalled. Lost all my local bookmarks though–not like I used them much anymore, anyway. #
  • 15:53 No longer feeling the need to rip out anyone’s jugular 😉 #
  • 18:40 I think I’ve finally reverted back to Bruce Banner, now… #
  • 19:14 I recommend editing to the music of Return to Forever. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 17:47 Feeling ’bout half past dead. #
  • 17:48 Finished one editing pass on a project. Just one more and it’ll be ready to get shipped out and get rejected!!! #
  • 17:50 Now if I can just figure out why the hell FF crashes on startup!! #
  • 21:39 Spent the majority of my Fri. nite waiting for things I shouldn’t have been fucking waiting for!! #
  • 21:39 And now I’m gonna take it out on someone thru a customer service survey. #
  • 21:40 "I don’t wanna hear shit, and I don’t give a shit." -Ricky Roma, GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS #
  • 21:40 Just my way of "paying it forward." 😉 #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 12:07 Day 2 of class–things look a bit more promising since the herd seems to have thinned itself a bit. #
  • 12:07 Might have to just eat the cost of the book, though 🙁 #
  • 13:37 In any case–tonight, there will be writing. I mean, *editing*. Whatever. #
  • 15:40 @GigiVernon "I’m not gonna post anything," she said. I knew it ;). #
  • 19:46 WTF? Since when does Firefox repeatedly crash on startup??? #
  • 21:43 Running a total virus/malware/bot check on the laptop after un-/re-/un-/re-installing FF. #
  • 21:46 Thank God I’ve got a second laptop. Runs like crap, but it runs. #

Via LoudTwitter