Tweets for Today

  • 06:45 This week’s experiment: Leaving the AlphaSmart and the fic reading behind on school days. #
  • 09:18 Just realized–first prelim in 2 weeks!! #
  • 12:10 Figured out a more direct route from the office to the classroom. Too bad it’s still uphill :(. #
  • 14:56 Homework on the down-low… #
  • 18:11 Hated leaving the writing stuff at home. But I got the homework done. #
  • 21:11 Wondering why he had to clear his Firefox cookies twice to successfully logon to Twitter tonite…? #
  • 22:10 Gonna scream if I have to plot another histogram. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:24 Today’s writing agenda: Resubmit one MS, try to trim down the other. If I can. #
  • 07:24 Gotta find time for homework, too… #
  • 11:52 Week 2 of my decaffeination/tea-as-methadone routine. But damn, do I want a red-eye. I just want it! #
  • 11:56 That’s called "psychological addiction," kids. #
  • 14:16 I am finally officially, unequivocally, and indisputably enrolled in my class! Finally!! #
  • 15:58 Resubmitting a story. Someone’s bound to take it, eventually(??). #
  • 20:58 Could my eyes be too old and tired to follow a modern college textbook? #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:05 RIP David Foster Wallace. #
  • 08:06 Pissed at sitemeter. This day really has gotten off on the wrong foot. #
  • 10:26 Got MEET THE PRESS in the background, the MS out, the AS3K, a mug o’ coffee, and some breakfast. Time to get to it. #
  • 10:44 Thinking about the different blasts from the past he had yesterday. #
  • 12:41 Rejection! Ack! But at least the piece seemed to get a good read-through! #
  • 16:11 Edits on another MS done. Sort of. It’s still 1250 words too long!! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:46 No writing last night after all. Zoned out to IN BRUGES (which I’ve been meaning to see for months). #
  • 07:47 There WILL be writing after a stroll through Ithacon 33! #
  • 13:46 Back from Ithacon, where I got to "ask the Answer Man!!!!" #
  • 13:56 Not writing yet…but the afternoon is still young. I’m home alone and I’ve got a pot of coffee brewing! #
  • 20:00 Got some, if very little, writing done. Luckily, I’m home alone for another day. Plenty of time 🙂 #

Via LoudTwitter

Don’s Big Score

Got back from Ithacon, the local comic show. Once again, I failed to connect with local great Roger Stern because of my perpetual shyness, but I just had to go and shake the hand of guest Bob “The Answer Man” Rozakis! I used to live for his “Ask the Answer Man” columns in the back of DC’s comics when I was a kid. Thanks to him, I learned the secret identities of most of the Legion of Super Heroes and in what issue the Batman of Earth-2 died.

I would’ve loved to have had an “Ask the Answer Man” column for him to sign, but I didn’t. Felt bad. He was a swell guy, too. I bought a boatload of 2/$1 books from him and accidentally left one, which he walked over to me. I ran into him again at another dealer’s table as I was flipping through old issues of Detective Comics. I pulled out one with an interesting cover (Issue 467, from Feb. 1977) when I heard someone next to me saying, “I wrote that.” What happened next was a no-brainer…

Other things I picked up…

  • The six-issue run of DC: The New Frontier
  • Jonathan Lethem’s Omega the Unknown, #1
  • Four issues of Steve Edmond’s Emo Boy
  • The first 8 (of 9) issues of Captain Atom: Armageddon (a DC/Wildstorm crossover)
  • A metric crapload of Bendis’ & Oeming’s Powers from Image Comics
  • A discounted copy of Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics

Oddly enough, none of these items were on my list!

I should also mention a pleasant conversation I had with artist Jime Alena Grabowski! The Wife bought a print from her a couple of years ago of “a chick” as Grabowski put it. Her drawings nowadays are completely different. There’s a print I’m interested in, so I gotta get to emailing if I want it.

Tweets for Today

  • 07:11 The busses will run today! #
  • 07:12 Tomorrow’s plan: Ithacon 33! #
  • 10:23 Edited six–count ’em, SIX–pages before work! (To make up for my zero edited pages last night.) #
  • 10:32 A co-worker: "I woke up at 3:30 in the morning because I had this bizarre dream about Justin Timberlake, Amy Winehouse, and an alligator." #
  • 12:33 BURN NOTICE S02E08: Pretty good. Just enough Bruce Campbell. Not too heavy on the how-to voiceovers. #
  • 17:18 Planning tonight’s writing session. Because six edited pages just doesn’t feel like it’s enough. (And this is me, decaffeinated!) #
  • 18:13 Batting cleanup at work. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:01 Wondering how long it’ll be before a 12-hour day of work and school gets old? (he asks, still very thankful he got into the damn class!) #
  • 08:38 Knows where he was when… #
  • 08:46 @firefox_answers Thanks–though I was never able to start it in safe mode. I ended up doing a complete re-install #
  • 12:14 Two signatures down, two to go. Then, it’s official! #
  • 14:24 Praying the bus drivers don’t go on strike tonight!!!! #
  • 14:25 @GigiVernon Exercise…what’s that? 🙂 #
  • 16:06 Planning tonight’s writing session. Should that come before or after the homework…? #
  • 16:35 Got all four signatures!! Muahahaha!!!! #

Via LoudTwitter