Tweets for Today

  • 07:24 Today’s writing agenda: Resubmit one MS, try to trim down the other. If I can. #
  • 07:24 Gotta find time for homework, too… #
  • 11:52 Week 2 of my decaffeination/tea-as-methadone routine. But damn, do I want a red-eye. I just want it! #
  • 11:56 That’s called "psychological addiction," kids. #
  • 14:16 I am finally officially, unequivocally, and indisputably enrolled in my class! Finally!! #
  • 15:58 Resubmitting a story. Someone’s bound to take it, eventually(??). #
  • 20:58 Could my eyes be too old and tired to follow a modern college textbook? #

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