Tweets for Today

  • 09:09 Sorta like, "After the ecstacy, the laundry"–After writing group, the problem sets for skool. #
  • 09:13 Feeling chill (and chilly) this morning. ♫ #
  • 09:35 Gonna sit down with tea (sans Tullamore), breakfast, and a book. ♫ #
  • 18:14 Last quiet nite. Screw the problem sets. I’ve got wine, I’ve got books. Eh, wonder what’s on TV… #
  • 18:51 Bleh–this wine I’m drinking does not go well with the leftover Chinese. #
  • 19:41 Nice quote in this story I’m reading: #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:37 Hit the reset button last night (beer, not Tullamore Dew–that’s tonight). God, I needed that. Now, I need breakfast. #
  • 08:57 Maintaining my Nietschian attitude toward the last week. I’m not dead, so I will be stronger! ♫ #
  • 11:31 Soaking up free wireless at an undisclosed location, after a lazy breakfast & a walk in the sun, narrowly avoiding the stranger townies. #
  • 11:33 Revising the latest story, w/80s AOR music piped thru the earphones. #
  • 13:17 Draft 1.99 done. It’s dreck, but at least it’s presentable dreck. Now to print, make copies, and get a haircut. #
  • 19:16 Draft edited (1.995?) and ready for group. Plan 4 later: Tea w/whiskey, reading, and JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE NEW FRONTIER on CN! #
  • 19:17 Now, "With the record collection and the mirror’s reflection, I’m dancing with myself…" ♫ #

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Tweets for Today

  • 07:49 Got news that my car is acting wonky in Boston. God, I hope it’s not the starter… #
  • 07:53 My hand’s wet with sweat, my head needs a rest. Must relax…take it easy, like the song says. ♫ #
  • 09:44 Nnngggg! It’s the alternator. Maybe. #
  • 09:50 No writing this morning. Mood I’m in, I probably would’ve killed my main character. #
  • 11:05 Got fitted for a mask that’s supposed to protect me from the next Andromeda Strain of bird flu, or whatever. Yeah, I’m doomed. #
  • 12:19 Etgar Keret is on my list of Writers I Want To Be Like When I Grow Up. #
  • 12:56 Car news from Boston–It is the starter. #
  • 12:57 I’m done now. Just completely done. Thank you and good night. #
  • 13:00 Planning a 3-day binge straight out of WITHNAIL & I (minus the attempted buggery). I think it’s my only hope, at this point. #
  • 15:49 Car almost fixed; wife no longer stranded in Boston. Rewrote a scene at lunch. State of mind has improved. #
  • 15:51 Still, my evening plans will look something like this: #
  • 17:50 Ok, the real plan for tonight: Regeneration. #
  • 20:02 Just the thing to screw my head back on straight. Now maybe I can get some reading/writing done! ♫ #

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Tweets for Today

  • 06:47 Skool day today. Meh. #
  • 09:09 For J (1973-2006). "Now she’s far from these worries…" #
  • 12:09 Plans for Home Alone 2 weekend adding up: Problem sets, haircut (maybe), group, honeydew list, editing something old, writing something new. #
  • 12:12 No time for withdrawing into blankets in the dark. Plenty of time to drink through at least half of my 2-do list. Irish coffee w/Tullamore. #
  • 12:18 Thursdays are my caffeine-binge days. Been happening that way for a month anyway, so I’m just gonna accept it :). #
  • 12:36 Whining is (mostly) over, now. "The Show Must Go On." #
  • 14:21 Skoolwork on the d/l. Shhh. #
  • 15:52 1/2 a problem set done. I almost feel guilty. Will do some work-related work; I’m sure the guilt will go away. #
  • 18:06 Did work work. Lot’s of it. Yup–guilt’s definitely gone! #

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Tweets for Today

  • 07:27 Expecting 5th rejection today. Will NOT let it mindfuck me! ♫ #
  • 10:19 Rewrote a scene before work. Took my frustrations out on the main character. #
  • 11:48 Rejection #5, right on schedule. But got, "Again, I welcome additional work from you." I’ve put away the seppuku blade for now. #
  • 12:52 Story’s back in circulation. It was either that, or use it as kindling to set my writing books on fire. #
  • 13:06 @CoyoteWild Good idea! Thanks! #
  • 14:28 No edits at lunch. Scarfed down some hot wings (comfort food) and read some Keret. But I’m drinking herbal tea–no harm, no foul! #
  • 14:47 Quiz next week, announced by email. Don’t you love the 21st century? #
  • 16:56 Home Alone 2 happening a day earlier than I thought. Feh. Will have to subsist on coffee and Tullamore. #
  • 20:19 Presidential debate vs. Ghost Hunters? Not like my mind isn’t already made up. #
  • 20:25 "Fighting vainly the old ennui." ♫ #

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Tweets for Today

  • 00:11 Meh–4th rejection in 2 weeks. Got the impression the story was well-liked, though. Just not well-liked enough. #
  • 00:36 I’m torn as to where to send this particular story next. It’s keeping me awake. #
  • 07:33 No Skool today + Home Alone 2 this weekend = No fucking excuse for not getting my stories resubmitted. #
  • 07:33 "Moving forward using all my breath…" because what’s the alternative? ♫ #
  • 10:37 I’m in a mood, full of piss and vinegar and live, attenuated flu vaccine. #
  • 11:35 FORCED myself to send that story right back out to yet another market that’s claimed, "We welcome more work from you!" Yeah, right. #
  • 12:59 Making the numbness work for me. Second is story back out. Have to get the third reject back out before I decide, "Screw it." #
  • 14:12 I suppose the universe thinks it’s funny to bounce my submission email back to me. #
  • 14:27 All stories back in circulation. Did one editing pass on the latest piece. #
  • 14:33 Emotionally drained. Will likely spend my Home Alone 2 weekend curled under blankets with a bottle of Tullamore Dew. In the dark. Weeping. #
  • 16:08 Attitude self-adjustment time. But my plans for Tullamore Dew still stand. ♫ #
  • 17:33 Got the OK to leave early! Revision-time with something caffeinated is in order! #
  • 20:16 I love coming home to houseguests that bring wine :). #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:16 I get to be one of the poor bastards who doesn’t get a 3-day weekend. It’d serve ’em right if I finished typing the MS at work, wouldn’t it? #
  • 08:42 is on page 37 of Report to the Men’s Club and Other Stories. Reading "Mrs. Jones." #
  • 08:47 Nah, you don’t really need my goodreads tweeted. Just go to the page: #
  • 11:18 I’m a touch busier than I should be right now. Been trying to read the same flash fic piece for the past 1/2 hour. #
  • 14:22 Got another 2 pp. typed; 3 more ’til done. I wonder if that’s why my head’s killing me right now. #
  • 14:45 I need my second wind, like right now! ♫ #
  • 16:00 Can someone please remove whatever needle must be lodged in my optic nerve, for the love of mercy?? #
  • 19:38 MS typed out. 2500 words. I can hardly stand to look at it, though :). #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:42 Only Johnny Cash…I mean, Jesus…can help me today. ♫ #
  • 10:39 Trying to come up with a decent title for my new story while watching MEET THE PRESS. Instead of typing. #
  • 13:40 1/2 the story typed out. Going out for lunch and coffee and reading. Then maybe I can stomach looking at it again. #
  • 13:42 Loading the story on the AlphaSmart anyway. In case, you know… #
  • 22:17 Typed a paragraph, read some, bought & ordered more books, & had a bunch of friends swoop into town wanting Thai food. Time for bed, now. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:05 Not ticked about the flash drive. I’ll get it back today. There will still be writing! ♫ #
  • 11:24 I swear to God I was going to skip the Booksale! I walked in, blacked out, and woke up with a bag o’ books. I need a 12-step program. #
  • 12:02 I don’t feel too bad. I couldn’t get BRIEF INTERVIEWS WITH HIDEOUS MEN anywhere else in this town right now. #
  • 13:41 Booksale haul: #
  • 15:12 Another rejection. Nnnggg! #
  • 16:10 Not horrendously discouraged, but right now my reading list looks a lot more attractive than finishing my current story. #
  • 18:07 I gave in and (hand)wrote 2 1/3 pp. of dreck. First draft is DONE! Now to type it out to make all of my mistakes more obvious… #
  • 18:10 I’ll type tomorrow. Gotta find some new markets for these damn rejects, first. #

Via LoudTwitter

Light Reading

Not that I didn’t read. I just didn’t read much; was busy writing!! So, please excuse these truncated, unvarnished reviews…

  • Carol Emshwiller, “Modillion” (3/5)
  • By Etgar Keret…
    • “An Exclusive” (How the hell does he cram that story into 9 pages??–5/5)
    • “Painting” (4/5)
    • “Yordan” (I want to write like this!–5/5)
    • “Vacuum Seal” (Like a literary/magical-realist version of Full Metal Jacket–5/5)