Tweets for Today

  • 07:20 "Don’t you know by now no one gives you anything? Don’t you wonder how you keep on moving one more day, your way?" ♫ #
  • 07:23 What else was I gonna post on my 666th tweet? ♫ #
  • 07:31 Why can’t I delete my last tweet???? #
  • 10:19 Because I can’t delete my last tweet, my awesome joke about my 666th post is now ruined! 🙁 Oh well. #
  • 10:20 Wrote a whole page this morning. Funny what can happen when you decide to just *make* something–anything–happen. #
  • 10:24 Still probably won’t have it ready by group time this weekend…:( #
  • 12:17 "…I can’t even imagine a writing process that didn’t include the constant criticism of my peers." #
  • 12:22 Not to mention self-flagellation that would make Martin Luther blush. #
  • 12:30 Like so: #
  • 14:21 Walked in the sunshine at lunch, thought about my story, and came to a horrible realization… #
  • 14:24 Realized the probs in my story might be solved by *removing* the hook that got me started writing it in the first place! Of all the…%#$*! #
  • 20:39 Typed out most of my handwritten draft, painfully excising all references to my original hook. So far, it looks like I was right. #
  • 22:01 "Burning up on midnight oil / And it’s come right back on you." ♫ #
  • 22:29 X-ferred the story from the AlphaSmart to an .rtf file. Only now realized that since I don’t have the original hook, I don’t have a title! #
  • 22:57 Watching GHOST ADVENTURES on the Travel Channel. I…I just don’t have the words. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:09 The music in my head this morning: ♫ #
  • 07:10 Wondering if I have time to slip in the new Bond film this weekend…? #
  • 07:12 Still not sure how to hit my protagonist where it hurts. But, I’ve figured out where it hurts! #
  • 08:59 Wondering how much writing I can get done in class today. #
  • 12:16 Very very very happy with my midterm performance, despite having coughed out 1/2 a brain during the exam. ♫ #
  • 12:33 Didn’t get to write during class. Still working out my immediate next plot point. #
  • 13:36 BeTwittered is down. Almost forgot what Twitter looked like :). #
  • 13:36 Cassandra Wilson interview in the local rag (*swoon*) #
  • 17:46 So tired and so far out of a writing groove. Gonna get it back, one paragraph at a time, if need be! #
  • 17:46 Hell, when was the last time I even *read* anything? #
  • 18:09 Screw it. Gonna read tonight, then spit out some draft tomorrow before work. With a nice, large red-eye. #
  • 20:35 Have you, or someone you know, been permanently injured by a Jedi? #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:19 Woke up and still had this song in my head: ♫ #
  • 07:21 Thinking about my latest story is stressing me out. Am >this close< to just scrapping the whole thing. #
  • 10:38 Didn’t write during Section this morning. Just jotted down a few character and plot ideas that came to mind. About a page worth ;). #
  • 10:44 Brought the AlphaSmart on a skool day–screw it. Gonna xscribe what I have so far to see exactly what I have. #
  • 10:45 @sixsentences Amen to that! I hate the process. My joy’s in the finished product ;). #
  • 12:38 New photo/art blog; something that gets the juices stirring: #
  • 14:24 Ah, the fall. The leaves. The colours. The throng of crises and walk-ins… #
  • 14:57 Writing progress this afternoon: -250 words! 1 pg just needed to be cut because it was going nowhere. #
  • 18:01 Today was a bad day for one of the CPUs I use at work to get swapped out. A bad day. #
  • 18:02 Will sublimate my anger into writing. I remember when I made progress on my last story by taking out my frustrations on the protagonist! #
  • 18:14 Advice I should follow: "…don’t indulge in rejectomancy." #
  • 20:36 Redrafted the pg I eliminated today. Much improved. Still planning exactly how I’m going to crucify my protagonist. #
  • 20:41 …while I watch GHOST HUNTERS. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:07 "I do believe I’m feeling stronger everyday." ♫ #
  • 07:12 This brings back (recent) memories. Gets me all tingly… #
  • 07:15 Doing skoolwork on a writing nite demands payback! Heck, if today’s lecture is boring enough, I might even write in class :). #
  • 11:56 Scribbled out 120+ words during class and still took decent notes–Hah! #
  • 12:00 Now the choice is: forge ahead with the draft, or type and edit what I have for group this week…? #
  • 12:08 Jesus H. Christ, when exactly did my Google Reader & Bookmark backlog reach such ridiculous proportions?? #
  • 12:27 Obviously distracted by the global internets. Will keep chipping away at the story longhand today. #
  • 13:41 Feeling very disorganized right now. Keep finding things that slipped thru the cracks while I was sick with the black death. #
  • 17:56 Wouldn’t really say all "Hell" broke loose at work. All "Purgatory,"maybe? #
  • 20:39 Wrote my character into an emotional corner that I’ve been in myself. Thus, I haven’t the foggiest clue how to get him out of it :(. #
  • 20:40 Spent more time trying to journal my way out of it than drafting. Smart move in the long run; doesn’t do crap for this weekend. #
  • 20:48 Cannot get this song out of my head, not that I’m complaining. ♫ #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:32 Heart still pounding from the Cassandra Wilson show. Now if Bill Champlin would just play here, I could die a happy man. #
  • 07:33 Bill Champlin says stuff about songwriting that I could probably translate over into my writing: #
  • 07:36 And yes, I’m still here. Didn’t get a chance to run away with her :(. #
  • 11:16 Survived my first hour back at work. Barely. #
  • 11:17 Wrote 1 pg of notes before 1/3 pg of draft. Good thing; would’ve just been marking time, otherwise. #
  • 12:49 Thinking I can wring out at least one paragraph of dreck at lunch. I hope. #
  • 14:19 Total of one brand-spanking-new page of draft so far today! Might have to rewrite the beginning, though :(. We’ll see. #
  • 14:28 Gah! Almost forgot about a skoolwork assignment for tomorrow! Not a biggie–just means less writing time (motherf…) #
  • 14:28 Oh, I’ll be writing on skool days this week, that’s for damn sure 🙂 #
  • 17:52 Wow. A whole day of work and I haven’t died–Woohoo!! Now we’ll see if skoolwork will do the job. #
  • 20:04 Gonna put off skoolwork for at least another hour. Gotta ease back into things, right? 🙂 #
  • 20:41 At the risk of jinxing myself, I just noticed that a market w/a crazy fast turnaround has held my story for almost a month, now. #
  • 20:41 I’ve guaranteed a rejection, haven’t I? *headdesk* #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 00:03 Saw Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings on AUSTIN CITY LIMITS. Got to relive last week’s concert high!! #
  • 07:49 Cassandra Wilson TONIGHT! I think I’m sufficiently over the Andromeda Strain enough to go. ♫ #
  • 07:52 Saw Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings on AUSTIN CITY LIMITS last nite. Got to relive last week’s concert high!! Gonna have another tonight! #
  • 07:53 I know some romance writers who might hate me for posting this, but I just gotta: #
  • 08:10 Agenda: breakfast, MEET THE PRESS, go to coffee shop, write, browse for books, write, lunch, write, go home, prep for week, go to concert! #
  • 08:18 Agenda will likely be interspersed with "screwing around on the interwebs." Having barely survived the plague, I’m easing back into it. #
  • 08:33 Emotional expression in fiction: #
  • 09:14 Last month’s submissions scorecard, for those keeping track: #
  • 12:21 Ah, sunlight! Stood out in it a bit before sitting down to write at cafe. Now…what to write… #
  • 12:59 Being November and seeing X-Mas stuff already out at the mall(!!!), I’m giving some thought to next year’s writing goals. #
  • 15:15 Wrote1/2 pg of draft and 1 pg of notes so far. Figured out the problem I’ve been having: I don’t know if my protag is capable of change…? #
  • 15:51 I need to quit for today before I fry myself trying to beat my way past this barrier. Sometimes, a lil’ progress just has to be good enough. #
  • 15:53 Trying hard to fight the idea that I’ve caved. #
  • 17:58 Ready to hear the voice of an absolute goddess! Would totally run away with her if she’d have me 🙂 #
  • 18:05 Aaaaand, of course, problems…*sigh* #
  • 18:20 Ok, snag solved (I hope). #
  • 22:36 Never understood how people could cry at the sight of their favorite singer on stage…before tonight. #

Via LoudTwitter

October Scorecard

This past October will be the month I’ll always remember as having my first bonafide “I’m no good at this writing shit, so why the fuck do I even bother?” meltdown. Of course, when you send out a bunch of stories at the same time, the rejections tend to come back at the same time. I’d learned to handle the rejection that comes in once a month. But 4 in as many days?

Still, I’ve learned to keep a Nietschian attitude toward it.


Now, on to write some more…

Tweets for Today

  • 07:18 (Provided this Andromeda Strain I have doesn’t kill me off) 2 days ’til Cassandra Wilson!!! ♫ #
  • 07:22 Saw the twist of last nite’s GHOST WHISPERER coming a mile away. Always knew it was gonna happen eventually, too. #
  • 08:08 Too rainy for the Farmer’s Market, too spent for the Diner. Having breakfast in with WITHNAIL & I. #
  • 08:11 "We have indeed drifted into the arena of the unwell." #
  • 09:15 Journaling advice from Robert Olen Butler #
  • 10:00 Wil Wheaton collects his writing resources: #
  • 13:11 How come I never thought to use my mp3 player as a separate drive to play my music on any computer I ever wanted to play them on?? Duh!! #
  • 13:14 Of course all my USB ports are being used, now. No room for the drive with the NaNo on it. Guess I could work on my latest story instead :). #
  • 13:48 Almost didn’t notice that I just about feel like a human being again :). #
  • 17:03 Almost feel fully regenerated! #
  • 19:26 Making plans for tomorrow. Writing plans! Finally!! #
  • 20:30 Tonight’s plan: Bruce Weber’s LET’S GET LOST, the Chet Baker biopic. ♫ #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:17 I miscounted. Today is 3 days ’til Cassandra Wilson!! ♫ #
  • 07:20 Called in again. I’d be fine if not for the incessant cough. Will spend some of today relearning how to write. #
  • 07:31 Teh Interweb has me in its grip: Bill Champlin interview/performance #
  • 10:13 Jackpot! DOCTOR WHO marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel! #
  • 11:44 Chilling out with coffee and ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL…and medication. Sweet, blessed medication. #
  • 13:22 Enjoyed ASC. On to a Carol Emshwiller novella, I think. And, more drugs, of course. #
  • 16:21 Had my favorite kind of nap where you wake up and can’t remember for a second what day it is. #
  • 16:26 Feel like a total slacker, though. I’ve got a whole writing agenda planned for the weekend! (Let’s see if I can pull it off…) #
  • 20:11 Watching my first ep. of GHOST WHISPERER in ages. Jay Mohr’s gone?? #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:47 3 days to Cassandra Wilson!! ♫ #
  • 07:48 It’s official. I’m ill. Cough and sore throat. Great. I’ve already called in. #
  • 07:48 Can’t call in to the midterm, though… 🙁 #
  • 12:03 "I got a fever of 103"–well, maybe not that high. Just gotta tough it out, though. ♫ #
  • 12:20 Think I’m gonna get some chinese food for lunch (plus fortune cookie), then study…"in bed." #
  • 13:04 Fortune cookie says, "Be concerned, not obsessed, with your health." Apropos. Oh…"in bed." #
  • 13:04 I’m fed. I’m medicated. Will see how far I can get w/out being caffeinated (further). #
  • 16:07 Took a little nap. Now, back to it. T-minus 3.5 hours to midterm! (It’s all review from here.) #
  • 17:27 T-minus 2 hours ’til midterm. I’m as prepared as I’m gonna be! Wish I didn’t feel so drowsy, though :(. #
  • 17:28 I should eat, but my appetite is at absolute zero. #
  • 21:34 I’m not saying I aced the midterm. I’m saying that if I didn’t do MUCH better than last time, I should give my current degrees back! #
  • 21:36 Of course, now that I’m done, the last bit of willpower keeping my disease in check is all gone. #

Via LoudTwitter