Performance Anxiety

I admit it, I don’t read enough blogs and I the ones I do read, I don’t read closely enough. I don’t read them at all if they don’t have an RSS feed that I can plug into Google Reader–even then, I skim and speed read. Most of the time, the entries I do read are ones that get my attention through the people I follow on Twitter.

Hell, I tweet so much, how often do I even write in this one? I’m making an effort, though. For awhile, I let this blog degenerate into a tweet archive. I’ve been making an effort, though. I put an end to the LoudTweeting. But I did fail at a couple of points along the way. I didn’t start my 2009 Rod Serling Conference posts and I’m still catching up on my thoughts on last month’s Astronomicon 11.

So, what reawakened the blogging desire? The feeling of “Oh shit, people are actually coming here to read this!” thanks in no small part to some of my favorite tweeps who’ve started following this thing and have actually plugged it on their blogs.

Follow–and actually read–these folks. They’re writers at every stage, writing every sort of thing, listed roughly in the order I met them (if my faulty memory serves)…

I know that I’ve missed a good number of people! Some, but not all, of these folks are Followers on that there sidebar on the right. For more, check out my twitter list of the usual suspects.

If nothing else, reading these folks will keep you occupied while I figure out what the hell else I’m going to talk about, on something resembling a regular basis.

13 thoughts on “Performance Anxiety”

  1. Ah, you're the best, Don. Thanks for the mention! I know it's hard to keep up with a blog, especially when we keep up with each other all the time via Twitter and now GWave. I have a weekly feature (The Friday Forum) and that keeps me disciplined.

    Love reading your entries. I set up GReader recently and your blog was one of the first added. Now I can add all the lovely blogs you listed, too!

    Take good care,
    Jessica Rosen

  2. @Teresa – I noticed that, too. I actually scrambled to find a male or three to list and then I realized none of them interact with me as often as you guys *shrug*.

    @Jessica – It's hard to keep up w/GReader. I've been at 1000+ entries for two weeks ;).

  3. Don, you're the best!! I'm with you on the difficulties of keeping a blog current. I'm horrible about coming up with topics to write about. You're doing a great job here, so keep it up! Thanks for the shout out! And love your tweets!

  4. Thanks Don! You are so sweet! Yeah it's hard to juggle all this stuff isn't it! It's part of the journey for me. I've met wonderful people blogging & twittering, and I'm so thankful (I wouldn't have met you!)

    I'll pop over and look at the blogs you mentioned :o) Thanks dude.

  5. @Mercedes – Actually, posting my one comment on your blog was part of my resurging itch to blog. I thought, "Why don't I say this stuff on my own blog??" hehe

    @Calista & Erica – Thanks! I don't know how you guys juggle all of that writing and blogging :).

  6. Thank you, Don! Most kind of you to mention me. You're a doll. Looking forward to your blog posts! I'll be sure to check out the other blogs you mentioned as well. But first, must go fan these blazing cheeks of mine.

  7. I try to blog. Tis not easy to come up with legitimate information. Mine is generic. Shit! I was going to do research for my blog today! Brain fart. Memory=#FAIL. Thanks for following me on Twitter, cycling back to your blog, and reminding me how shitty my memory is! Off to my blog! *puts on cape and Wonder Woman bracelets*

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