“All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit”

  • 08:16 On page 229 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "The View From Venus" is a 5* women’s fic/scifi mash-up! #
  • 08:23 "It’s such a pity to say/ Goodbye to you" [i.e. another coworker today] #lyrics ♫ blip.fm/~8bbg8 #
  • 10:19 Writer.pr0n from the notebook of @warrenellis bit.ly/88f8n #
  • 10:40 Photos of Fairy Tale characters in modern day scenarios bit.ly/kwojg #
  • 11:59 @accidentalhaiku Niiice catch! #
  • 13:33 I’m #reading We Never Talk About My Brother by Peter S. Beagle – tinyurl.com/qbfryk #
  • 13:33 I’m #reading Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow – tinyurl.com/myolom #
  • 13:34 I was only gonna buy the *one book* I ordered at the indie bookstore. Clearly went apeshit :). #
  • 15:55 I better get my free LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE tix tonite! #
  • 16:14 I want to read: Everland and Other Stories by Paul Witcover – tinyurl.com/mew87n #
  • 21:30 My consolation for never having seen LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE before tonite was seeing it for free on a big screen @TheCinemapolis! #
  • 22:11 EASTENDERS! Now my evening’s complete :). #

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