Tweets for Today

  • 07:22 Of course, now that I have a breather, it’s supposed to rain. Oh, well. It’ll keep me indoors writing. #
  • 10:45 If this bastard of an MS insists on being 6,250+ words, fine. Off it goes on Monday to whatever market might have it! Good riddance! :P~ #
  • 12:48 I know this is the attitude I should have with my writing: ♫ #
  • 14:09 I am hereby banning myself from the campus bookstore for at least the rest of the month!! #
  • 17:32 I’d love nothing better right now… ♫ #
  • 22:09 Why, oh why do I feel a second wind at 10 pm?? #
  • 22:39 My second wind sure wasn’t from watching the presidential debate, that’s for sure. #
  • 22:43 Then again, am I really complaining that this debate actually looked like a debate? #

Via LoudTwitter