Tweets for Today

  • 17:53 Those markets I picked for my story? Gotta wait 2 weeks to submit. Good–more time to make unnecessary changes! #
  • 17:54 Survived the cerebral entropy of the dreaded department retreat! #
  • 20:42 Series 3 of CHEF! = meh. #
  • 21:12 Edits done–I’m leaving the story the hell alone. For now. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 10:07 Seven more pages of proofreading, and I’ll *finally* have a story ready to send out! #
  • 10:08 Still waiting on one story to see the light of day. It’s all good, though; I’ve already spent the money I was paid for it ;). #
  • 21:17 FINALLY! Another story ready to sub. But, where…? #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 06:36 Don’t know why LoudTwitter didn’t work. Futzed with it a little more. Will see if it’ll work tonight. #
  • 06:36 Don’t know why I feel I want a Tumblr, either. #
  • 19:34 What happens to a dream deferred? It shrivels into a cold, hard nugget of contempt, stuck in your craw… #
  • 19:34 Kidding! Maybe. Or, not. #

Via LoudTwitter