Perhaps there was a deeper, more subconscious reason I haven’t blogged in weeks…
Don Pizarro's Manual of the Seven Wudan Tiger Shaolin Monkey Kung-Fu Style o' Death
Perhaps there was a deeper, more subconscious reason I haven’t blogged in weeks…
Happenings on the “life outside writing/blogging/anything artistic” front have been flying. News on those if/when things germinate. For now, here’re some things I’ve been meaning to post for the past month…
Now what am I supposed to watch on Sunday mornings?
But we can dream, can’t we?
Maybe becoming a monk isn’t so bad after all.
I haven’t gotten to do any Unvarnished Reviews in awhile. I’ve actually been reading collections fast enough that I haven’t had time enough between books to review every single story I’ve read.
But thanks to goodreads, I can at least tell you what books I’ve finished lately…
I thought the unusually lengthy response time from a particular flash market might’ve been due to a piece being shortlisted. But when I queried last week, I got…
Thanks for following up. We’ve been having some problems with a few email providers marking our emails as spam. We’re trying to fix that, but in the meantime, some responses are getting lost. Unfortunately, we decided to pass on “Civic Responsibility.”
Ain’t no thing, though. Off to the next one.
I saw The Wife off this morning on her trip to Boston to visit family. So now I’m home alone, looking at all the little things around the apartment crying out to be done: dishes, the cluttered living room, my inbox, my tickler files, the book I’m close to done with. i.e. anything other than finishing the damn story I’m working on right now.
“Take a break,” you might say. “Enjoy the sun! Have a cookout!” Already did those things, though, in small bits and pieces. But you’re right, let’s take a moment on Memorial Day to remember…
All right, I feel motivated now.
I can’t believe I haven’t gotten to this. Well, I can really–I’ve been obsessed finishing up a longer short story at the expense of two stories in the editing phase and a couple of flashes that’ve been rejected that that need to be sent back out.
Oh well, in any case…
Because of this very easy decision tree…
Why is there an upsurge in hits to this site from folks Googling the phrase, “While the music played you worked by candlelight?”