…is more or less the same as the June scorecard for different, but related reasons. That changes this month. You’ll see.
Tumblin’ Down
I guess I did figure out a use for my new Tumblr.
Why do I need warm fuzzy freudian slippers 2.0?
This is where I strap my muse to a chair like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, pin its eyes open, and force-feed its brain until it does what it’s fucking told.
Tweets for Today
- 09:26 Did I really pay $5 for a book autographed (to someone else) by Ann Beattie??? #
- 10:56 If you write, go to YouTube and search the tag "Authors@Google"–do this now! #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 11:52 I couldn’t just stick to the new books I bought a couple weeks ago, no. Just had to hit the used bookstore, too. #
- 11:53 Added Beattie, Lish, Mason, and a nice fantasy anthology to the goodreads "to read" backlog. #
- 11:54 Wondering what to do with my new tumblog @ warmfuzzyfreudianslippers.tumblr.com #
Via LoudTwitter
The Evolution of a Rock Band
There’s a story to be had in this this (not necessarily Chicago-related) about how look and sound evolve–or maybe I should say adapt–over a few decades.
Only the beginning…
Playing free, or in the three, or agreeing to attempt something new…
Disco wasn’t quite dead yet…
80s hair…
90s hair…
Almost full circle…
Full circle, and going back around…again…
Tweets for Today
- 06:36 Don’t know why LoudTwitter didn’t work. Futzed with it a little more. Will see if it’ll work tonight. #
- 06:36 Don’t know why I feel I want a Tumblr, either. #
- 19:34 What happens to a dream deferred? It shrivels into a cold, hard nugget of contempt, stuck in your craw… #
- 19:34 Kidding! Maybe. Or, not. #
Via LoudTwitter
This Is Only a Test
…to see if email posting works properly on this here blog. |
Me Next, Me Next!
Filed Under: “Can’t Make This Up”
Sort of reminds me of this 1980s TV “gem,” Masquerade
Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?
I see stuff like this, and marvel at how the Revolution hasn’t happened yet.
Bunch o’ crack…what was that? Why yes, I’m married to a white woman. So what? Nope, sorry, can’t explain the cognitive disconnects–I gotta go to the Mall. See ya!