I can never say no to this. I accept that now.
Tweets for Today
- 07:33 Friday! Can focus on the writing again! (Once I wake up, that is.) ♫ blip.fm/~ecw7 #
- 10:27 Wrote 1pg. of draft and 1pg. of notes outlining the end of the story. Maybe you CAN write a story in a week on sheer willpower. #
- 12:19 Will NOT cave to the temptation of putting my draft into the AlphaSmart before I’ve written the ending. It’s a procrastination tactic. NO! #
- 14:08 1/4 pg. at lunch. I’m at that point, I think, where I’m writing *around* the story’s main point instead of just getting to it. #
- 14:38 Saw the midterm answer key! I had a right answer and changed it like a fucking idiot, thinking it was too easy!! Gahhhhh! #
- 15:05 *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* #
- 20:59 I actually left my flash drive at work???? *headdesk* *headdesk* #
- 21:25 Working from a 6 day old backup, for all the good it does me. #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 07:22 Got a lil’ too happy at happy hour last nite. As if today wasn’t gonna suck enough… ♫ blip.fm/~dzia #
- 08:43 Home Alone this weekend. Plenty of time for studying. Which means, writing today! Muahaha! #
- 12:05 Well, I passed the midterm. Could’ve done better. But now I know how the game is played… #
- 13:13 People have told me, "Cut yourself some slack!" My inner demons say this: tinyurl.com/49ulbq #
- 17:44 Today at work has been totally, totally sucktastic. #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 07:06 2 rejections in 3 days. I quit. Well, not really, but still… ♫ blip.fm/~dm6m #
- 10:17 To show I’m not quitting, I wrote 1.5 pgs. of draft & 1/2 pg. of notes this morning. And I hate just about every word. #
- 10:26 Why the FUCK can’t I remember my voice mail password??? #
- 10:46 Must’ve been a technical glitch, because I DID remember it and it wasn’t working at first. Then it did. #
- 11:57 Next market, next market… #
- 12:30 2nd thoughts about sending the last reject back out. Self-doubt or do I have actual reasons? #
- 15:10 No writing at lunch. Retreated into the skoolbooks, instead. #
- 15:16 And now, my job just got a whole lot harder today… #
- 16:53 When it rains at work, it pours. ♫ blip.fm/~dtnn #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 08:25 Bent, but didn’t break, the No Writing on Skool Days rule this morning. I just needed a title. #
- 12:10 Looks like it’ll be a light week for school, so screw the No Writing on Skool Days rule. At least until I get the midterm back on Thurs… #
- 13:33 Forgot how badly new shoes can hurt the feet. This is what I get for wearing sandals all the time like a good townie. #
- 14:45 Coworker thinks the office looks like a big rave: "Drugs, crazy behavior, and no one’s drinking enough water." #
- 15:25 Was a good samaritan with someone’s 4GB flash drive. And I could’ve used a 4GB flash drive, too. #
- 18:08 Screw it. I’m blowing off schoolwork and writing tonight. #
- 18:16 That is, I’m writing, rather than doing schoolwork! Christ, do I even know how to write?? #
- 20:44 Wrote one whole page! #
- 21:10 Another rejection email. I’ll send the thing back out tomorrow. #
- 21:48 Poor Brokaw…they really don’t give a crap about what he says, do they? #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 07:14 No tests, no MS backlog. Feels great!! ♫ blip.fm/~cyrk #
- 07:18 Now, on to the next piece…whatever that is. #
- 10:21 1.5 handwritten pages of new stuff this morning, plus a page of notes!! Of course, it wasn’t on the piece I had planned, but still. #
- 12:19 Student loans are magically in deferment?? Do I want to keep them there? #
- 14:19 Trying not to judge the 1/2 page I wrote at lunch as total shit. It’s at least as good as the 1.5 pgs. of shit I wrote this morning! 😉 #
- 16:19 Clowns and jokers–appropos for work today. ♫ blip.fm/~d4go #
- 18:22 Because the hell at work today, I probably won’t be writing tonight. Well, maybe 1/2 a page, we’ll see. #
- 20:21 Damn…I *knew* there was an editing project I’d forgotten about! Guess that, like my new piece, will have to wait until Friday. #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 08:36 Today’s Grab-the-World-By-the-Shorthairs Theme: ♫ blip.fm/~cq69 #
- 09:31 Though, after editing and submitting 2 stories while studying for a midterm, maybe I need to leave the world’s shorthairs alone for a bit. #
- 18:30 Ah, nothing like a one-day rejection. #
- 20:08 And, the story’s already out to the next market. #
Via LoudTwitter
What Am I Doing Here?
In 40+ years of Doctor Who, the most often asked question is not, “Doctor, who?”
It’s the question I’m asking as I think about exactly what else to do on this site besides cross-posting my tweets.
Tweets for Today
- 07:41 Can’t remember the last time I was so grateful for a Saturday morning. ♫ blip.fm/~ci1r #
- 14:18 Am I…am I actually done editing the latest MS?? #
- 16:16 Did some more edits, to clean the thing up a little more. Down to 3100 words. Looks ready to submit, to me! #
- 16:17 Now for some food and a STAR TREK 2.0 rerun on TV. I deserve, don’t you think? #
- 17:06 zomg! DOCTOR WHO Series 4 screenplays!! www.thewriterstale.com/scr.html #
- 18:14 MS is done (as much as it’s gonna get) and submitted! Knock on wood… #
- 21:16 WTF? I rented BATMAN:GOTHAM KNIGHT last week and tonight they show it on the fucking Cartoon Network! Bad timing. Story of my life. #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 07:23 Needs a little bit o’ _____ to relax my mind. ♫ blip.fm/~c5v5 #
- 11:16 Saw his life flash before his eyes on the bus this morning–twice!! #
- 11:26 Revised new MS this morning. It’s only 3500 words, so I just have to worry about it not sucking. #
- 14:52 Every cell in my body screams for caffeine! #
- 15:15 Trying to edit the MS on the d/l at work, but I just don’t have the headspace. #
- 16:11 It can only get easier from here… ♫ blip.fm/~cc6f #
Via LoudTwitter