What’s interesting about this last set of tweets is the stark illustration of how quickly a day can turn with one phone call.
Tweets for Today
- 07:19 Back to skool today! Gonna see if this old dog can learn some more new tricks. Now, where did I put that abacus? 🙂 #
- 09:00 Hm…I think I fixed 2 competing critiques of the end of my last WIP by rewriting 3 words. That, or made it worse. #
- 11:38 Joy of having the same prof as last semester= being able to download the syllabus & first set of notes before setting foot in the classroom. #
- 13:31 Boggles my mind when I compare last fall’s registration runaround to the ease of this time around. #
- 13:34 Love hearing *other* people get the "waiting list" speech for a change. Yeah, I’m petty–deal. 😉 #
- 17:24 This day wasn’t really that hellish–so why do I feel so damn exhausted again? #
- 22:57 Not sure what to make about having free WiFi access at the hospital ER. #
- 22:58 Here in support, waiting to see what happens. #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 08:42 Slept in a little today to stay healthy for my upcoming hell week. #
- 08:53 "Musings to Myself" – the perfect title and the perfect groove to get me in the writing headspace this morning. ♫ blip.fm/~1no6j #
- 09:08 Currently flying thru teh Intarweb: This about wraps up one writer’s career tinyurl.com/9jrrpt #
- 18:24 Sitting with a glass of wine, ready to pore over today’s group critiques of the WIP. #
- 18:43 I will not read my latest batch of comics until I finish processing my critiques. I will not read my latest batch of comics until I finish.. #
- 19:54 Done reviewing the scars…I mean, my critique from group :). tinyurl.com/8sv2bo #
- 19:55 Now, I’ve got two months of DMZ, X-FACTOR, and JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA to catch up on! 😀 #
- 21:57 Is it decadent to run my music off my netbook at the same time I work on my old laptop? #
Via LoudTwitter
Tough Love
Time once again to process my latest batch of critiques from my biweekly crucifixion session that is my critique group. The points are pretty brief. The passages I read totaled a mere 1,025 words. The important thing is that I finally managed to write an ending to this last WIP, and as soon as I figure out which of these critiques to use and finish up some rewrites, I can put a wrap on this beast.
The Good
- This story (thanks to a revised intro) is now solidly and unequivocably involves a faerie–really an ex-faerie–which enabled me to emphasize her “faerie-ness” in ways people seemed to like.
- The end had a “convincing twist.” One person used the words “O Henry-like,” but I’m pretty sure it was meant in a positive way.
- There was suprise the ending was happy, even “sweet.” Not my usual fare, it’s true. (Note to self, next story should include some “extreme horror” elements.) 😉
- Folks liked my juxtaposition of worlds where the mundane world of people in a dead-end job mixes with the world of faeries.
The Bad
- Some narrative problems describing some physical mechanics involving a truck poised on the edge of a bluff, a rope, and the best place to tie…well, I could say more, but I’d be giving away plot.
- I gave some (too) vague hints that the faerie in question had put herself in a LITTLE MERMAID-type situation. But folks needed/wanted more.
The Ugly
- Since I created a setting where the workaday world of grocery-store employees mixes with the world of faeries, some readers needed to know the extent to which the main characters’ co-workers were aware of that particular reality. (I kinda, sorta addressed this in a rewrite no one’s seen yet.)
- People wanted a little more about faerie mechanics in this little world I’ve set up, specifically where it relates to a plot point about faerie anatomy.
- There was some lively debate about the ending, the implications of which were strikingly clear to some who read it exactly as I intended, and strikingly unclear to others for whom questions were raised. I admit, I wasn’t prepared for that.
I’ll worry about that last point once I polish off the middle section of the story. Should take me another day or two if work and school (which starts tomorrow–ack!) doesn’t get in the way too much. It’ll put me behind schedule, but at least I’ve already started my next story!!
Tweets for Today
- 08:19 Weather for this morning says "Fair -6F." Fair?? #
- 09:20 Gonna brave the cold (because it’s all old hat by now), get breakfast, & get s’more writing done. I can finish this story today, I know it!! #
- 11:35 Got my tankard of coffee and a table next to an outlet. Must resist temptation to take a "writer pr0n" picture of my setup. #
- 11:36 Of course, I totally would if it wasn’t such a pain to remove the MicroSD chip from my cell (I’m much too cheap to pay data usage). #
- 11:38 A sampling of this morning’s writing music. Will probably be followed by Toto later. ♫ blip.fm/~1n7yp #
- 12:39 Line edits are going slowly and painfully. Should’ve ordered a red-eye. #
- 13:06 Jeezus, did I say the last 5 pgs were as good as they were gonna get, too? Yeah, no. #
- 13:56 Slightly revised intro + complete ending = probably have enough for group tomorrow. Still have a lil’ ways to go to be 100% done. #
- 14:26 Resolve waning. I edit one paragraph for 5 minutes and spend the next 5 reading RSS feeds. #
- 14:28 Been to enough cons to know more people should read this Guide to Wearing a Corset at a Con. Just sayin’. tinyurl.com/7at2qu #
- 15:57 Back in the cold apartment, printing out pages for copying. #
- 16:00 Of course that means I’ll be stuck with what I have. And you know I’ll end up rewriting things. Gah! #
- 16:53 Feeling woozy as I go out for groceries and copy-making. Hoping it’s just due to the horribly skewed coffee-to-food ratio in my body. #
- 19:10 I will not look at the copies of the WIP. I will not look at the copies of the WIP. I will not look at the copies of the WIP. #
- 21:08 7 minutes in and I can tell THE IMMORTAL VOYAGE OF CAPTAIN DRAKE is gonna be so craptastic. #
- 21:09 Funny how Adrian Paul, like Chrisopher Lambert, keeps finding ways to keep doing HIGHLANDER without calling it HIGHLANDER. #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 08:07 Writing from the backup site this morning. Couldn’t resist allure of bagels and cream cheese. #
- 08:09 And, they’ve got something funky playing on the house system! ♫ blip.fm/~1mhy9 #
- 08:44 Feeling disturbing twinge in my back as I sit here editing… 🙁 #
- 08:49 Did I say the 1st 5 pgs were as good as they were gonna get? Yeah, no. #
- 10:38 Edited 8 pgs this AM. I’m at work with no long-ass meetings scheduled. I’m being treated to lunch. Life is good! #
- 10:39 Waiting for the "fit to hit the shan", now that I’ve said that. #
- 10:53 Given peer review forms for coworkers’ annual reviews. Thinking I’ll just write the same set of vague Barnum statements for all of ’em ;). #
- 11:17 Hahaha! Every "Extreme Horror" story ever written. So true! tinyurl.com/86989x #
- 12:38 Coworker has fallen victim to office Andromeda Strain :(. Gotta get some Vitamin C in me. That or Red Bull–either one. 🙂 #
- 13:50 Spent my lunch coming up with the first 100 words of my *next* story!! #
- 17:24 No early escape from Alcatraz tonite 🙁 #
- 17:38 Hm, that might’ve been a premature assessment, after all…. >:) #
- 18:39 Staring at the WIP. Possibly too fried to write. Hope a mocha and some 80s AOR will help. #
- 19:40 @noells If you like Bill Champlin, you’ll probably like his old band The Sons: tinyurl.com/9fokhj #
- 20:29 Cleaning up the WIP, one scene at a time. Might even be done by tomorrow! Maybe. #
- 21:28 Was never a huge, huge fan, but I’m almost interested in the new BATTLESTAR GALACTICA tonite. Kinda, sorta. #
- 22:01 Praying the final Cylon turns out to be Dirk Benedict. #
- 23:05 BSG: Two years for that? I know that if I’d liked the show to begin with, I’d be pissed. #
Via LoudTwitter
“I got one thing to say to the fool on the hill”
Finally, one of my favorite bands in the universe gets YouTubed!
Sons of Champlin, “Rooftop”
(x-posted from the Tumblr)
Tweets for Today
- 08:31 Need some Menahan to get into the writing zone this morning. ♫ blip.fm/~1ltml #
- 09:38 I need to shoehorn a mere 500some words of character, setting, and background details into the WIP before I can finally declare it done. #
- 09:43 Now I know why the WIP depresses me. Working on it has been a clear example of Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox of Motion. tinyurl.com/2hyc3e #
- 10:37 Ack! Another 2.5 hour meeting after lunch! I’ll be fine as long as there’s WiFi. If not, I won’t be responsible for what happens ;). #
- 12:10 I should not be feeling as exhausted as I am right now. #
- 12:11 Dammit, I better not be coming down with something this close to the start of classes. If I am, I’m clearing my weekend calendar & sleeping. #
- 13:33 Staked out a prime seat for my long-ass afternoon meeting. Saving all lunchtime writing until then ;). #
- 13:38 WTF? No more development for Google Notebook anymore??? tinyurl.com/7nqpcb #
- 13:49 Opened the file, but can barely stand to look at my Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox of a WIP :(. Almost think I’d rather pay attention to the mtg. #
- 14:01 Motherf…being made to move up to the front…goddammit! #
- 17:08 Survived the meeting *and* still got internet time during the most boring bits. Otherwise, I would’ve strangled myself with my 12′ scarf. #
- 18:29 Escaped from Alcatraz. Shhhh. Let’s see if I can’t get closer to done, here. #
- 18:31 Let’s see if Eliane Elias playing Bill Evans tunes will put me in the zone. #
- 19:17 1st 5 pgs & last 5 pgs of WIP are as clean as they’re gonna get. Still need to cram 300 more words of background/setting. #
- 19:18 I hereby grant myself permission to screw around for the rest of the night. :P~ #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 07:19 Looks like it’s a day–a *week*–to bundle myself up in the Doctor Who scarf. Yes, all 12′ of it. #
- 07:21 For my back’s sake, I’m temporarily going back to Mead 5-star 9-1/2 x 6 notebooks for my journal instead of my 600pg leather-bound beast. #
- 09:17 Sometimes the best writing music is really craptastic music. Case in point this morning, CHICAGO 13 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_13 #
- 09:44 Very productive writing morning, and I didn’t even need a red-eye! Now to work, where I’ll probably regret not having one :). #
- 11:31 Note to self: pick this up at the comic shop next month jerseygods.blogspot.com/ #
- 11:31 Note to self: for that matter, pick up the stuff you’ve neglected over the holidays, too 🙁 #
- 13:11 I don’t mind the frigid temps. I mind having to suit up like I’m going on a spacewalk just to go to lunch! #
- 13:26 According to a study, I’m likelier to see dead people! SWEET! tinyurl.com/a2625f #
- 14:22 Lots of needed brainstorming at lunch. Why is it the hardest part of finishing a goddamn story is that last tiny little bit? #
- 17:27 No escaping from Alcatraz early today :(. S’pose I might as well get used to it now. #
- 17:28 Let’s see if the crappy music mojo keeps working for after-work writing. Tonite’s selection: Chicago’s HOT STREETS tinyurl.com/8asrhe #
- 17:41 Damn. Both The Prisoner and Khan/Mr. Roarke have passed on :(. #
- 19:24 Okay, HOT STREETS isn’t cutting it. Time to fall back on a tried and true standby, CHICAGO 16. #
- 20:23 I edited one paragraph, but you know what? I wrote/edited before work and at lunch. I deserve a bit of a break today, right? #
Via LoudTwitter
Tweets for Today
- 08:13 I’m so bad. First tweet this morning from the job’s all-staff meeting :D. #
- 08:29 Meeting hasn’t started yet, and I’m already through today’s RSS feeds. Bad sign. #
- 08:33 No YEAR’S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR this year??? lcrw.net/wordpress/?p=768 #
- 08:34 A couple of surrounding coworkers just noticed my jaw drop. #
- 09:16 Most of the meeting’s been on financial stuff. Forecast is mostly a lot of gloom, but not necessarily doom. #
- 11:53 Survived the meeting relatively unscathed, thanks to wireless internet access :D. #
- 12:53 Just saw the price of a USED copy of next semester’s textbook. I think I’m having a coronary. #
- 13:27 Went with amazon.com. It was either that or a heart attack. #
- 13:38 Not in the writing mood this lunch time. Will be leaving work early again; I’ll get something done then, I’m sure. #
- 17:18 Escaping from Alcatraz early. I kinda actually do feel like writing tonite. #
- 17:24 @strikethru The Flip is very, very nice. Combined with a netbook, transferring and posting video is almost too easy 🙂 #
- 18:15 Funny how motivation can just evaporate for no real reason… 🙁 #
- 21:06 Jamming to old Huey Lewis & the News tunes. Like, pre-"I Wanna New Drug" old. #
- 22:42 Trying not to let my enjoyment of tonite’s LEVERAGE be colored by the fact that Jonathan Frakes (ST:TNG) directed ;). #
Via LoudTwitter