You Thought I Was Being Paranoid

…when I said: “I started to get worried though when I started noticing that the blog was coming up in search results for some of the more “classic” stories, Babel’s “My First Goose,” for instance. And these visitors would spend more than enough time to copy and paste, too.”

Do your own damn homework! 😉

Risky Business

From Jay Lake:

“I don’t believe for a moment that vaccination protestors or SUV drivers are making choices with the intent of being deliberately destructive to others. I’m just noodling with the idea of how risk is transferred by these choices, rather than reduced or eliminated. Is it a social good that these risks get moved from one population to another, where the population experiencing the increased risk has no say in the matter?”

No Manners

I’m reading and writing at a café and this stranger comes up to my table. He looked like a nutty professor of the Asperger’s sort, the sort who couldn’t process the visual cues–the laptop, the books, the papers–that said I’m busy.

“What’re you working on?” he asks. I say “Stuff” as I stare in disbelief as he snatches one of the books off my table. “What kind of stuff?” he says. “Personal stuff,” I say with a look on my face that says, Who the hell are you, why are you talking to me, and more importantly, why are you touching my fucking stuff?

He shrugs his shoulders and walks off as if I’ve put HIM off…