Tweets for Today

  • 07:26 T-minus 30 hours to the first final I’ve taken in a decade. #
  • 11:44 I am so not happy. #
  • 11:53 How can I kiss ass if the ass in question isn’t where it’s scheduled to be?? #
  • 12:40 Reviewing on the d/l at the desk, making out my (approved) cheat-sheats. #
  • 12:46 Back to a state of relative calm, now. #
  • 14:48 Today’s distraction: Fembots! (More or less SFW.) #
  • 14:51 What an almost-finished novel (not mine) looks like: #
  • 17:37 Home stretch. Just gotta put all the pieces together, and I’ll be as prepared as I’ll ever be. #
  • 18:05 Most everyone’s left early. No reason for me to stay, then, is there? =D #
  • 20:57 Oh noes! Tired brain is being distracted by GHOST HUNTERS! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:27 Did I say 10-hour day? I meant a 12-hour day, from the look of it. And that’s before I hit the books. Do I really need CPR that bad? #
  • 12:15 Bored during CPR training videos – until they inspired me to write 1st drafts of 3 flash pieces. #
  • 12:18 And, just when I was bemoaning the fact that I hadn’t written one in awhile, too! #
  • 12:19 Probably the only writing I’ll get done before Thursday. Might edit them, though – we’ll see. #
  • 14:41 Did more pleasure-reading than studying at lunch. Not too bothered. #
  • 17:31 Clinging to life, barely. Nothing more coffee can’t fix. Just got a little bit more to brush up on before the final. #
  • 17:32 I will not edit the flashes I started. I will not edit the flashes I started. I will not edit the flashes I started. No, no, no. #
  • 18:11 Now to brave the cold and hopefully find some place in this town that isn’t overrun by all these damn students studying for…wait…. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 06:58 As if I wasn’t going to lose sleep already because of my caffeine overdose, I set my alarm an hour too early and couldn’t get back to sleep. #
  • 07:35 Blowing off the morning routine for today. #
  • 11:04 Studying for final at my desk. Still feeling yesterday’s caffeine in my system. Yesterday’s productivity, not so much. #
  • 11:15 Brain wants to crash…. #
  • 14:23 From here ’til the final, it’s just review of old concepts. T-minus 3 days!! #
  • 14:25 Nice and warm today. Betcha I get bronchitis by this time next week. #
  • 14:31 Oh look, it’s Mr. Caffeine Withdrawal c-c-come to pay me a v-v-v-visit… #
  • 16:27 Found a detox tea bag in my desk, thank God. #
  • 16:31 Who needs fine motor skills, anyway? All I need is the ability to write numbers semi-clearly. And even then, only through Thursday. #
  • 19:19 Just remembered I’ve got a 10-hour day tomorrow. That’s *before* I start studying. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:33 Promised myself some time to be outside in the (eventual) nice weather, despite the studying. #
  • 08:33 God, I’m just not feeling the studying, though. #
  • 08:41 "I want to be violated by insight." -Aimee Bender. This is my new reading credo. #
  • 10:41 Skoolbooks all laid out. Will get to them as soon as my breakfast sandwich gets here! Now, where’s that MS…? #
  • 10:43 Stared down the head of a family of five who probably doesn’t like that I’m taking up a whole booth. Screw him. #
  • 11:59 Well of *course* when you try to study, you get fucking rewrite ideas. My own fault for not leaving the WIP behind. #
  • 13:05 Studying going smoothly so far. Brain not bleeding yet. Just have to keep it all straight, is all. #
  • 14:03 Okay, now my ears are bleeding. Probably the red-eye/Red Bull combination in my system, moreso than the studying. #
  • 14:19 Breaktime’s over. Back to hitting the books like Chow Yun-Fat with glocks in both hands. #
  • 15:39 I can has break, now? #
  • 17:00 Back home. Visitors on their way; place is going to be a temporary refuge for weary final preppers. #
  • 18:55 Chinese food for dinner! Company ate and ran. Back to work, for me. #
  • 18:57 "I feel like Im falling flat to the floor. No one can catch me from falling" ♫ #
  • 19:24 Didn’t get right back to work. Printed out some MS edits. No more writing until the final, I’ve decided (maybe)!! #
  • 21:15 I surrender. For now. #

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2008 Lessons, Part I

If I’ve learned nothing else in 2008, it’s the first line of that lyric.

Studying for the first final exam that I’ve taken in well over a decade. It’s not a writing-related class, either. I’ve done harder things, but this stuff isn’t a cakewalk by a damn sight. Dunno how I’ve survived this semester, but after this final’s over, I gotta figure out a way to do it all over again after the New Year.

Tweets for Today

  • 07:54 Plan for the day: edit my WIP to see what I can salvage, and maybe start studying for my final. At least 1 of those will be done w/beer. #
  • 07:55 Or do I feel like browsing an artists market? #
  • 07:56 The way J.M. McDermott uses Excel to outline and brainstorm: #
  • 08:08 Plotting basics from J.A. Konrath: #
  • 10:40 New jacket holding up very, very well in today’s cold. #
  • 10:44 Forgot this was gonna be another Home Alone weekend. It’s okay–always have a hard time writing at home anyway. ♫ #
  • 10:50 Staring at 8 pgs of transcribed WIP. Stomach’s churning at the thought of reading past pg 1. #
  • 12:46 WIP review not as brutal as I expected. Will allow myself to eat, now. Maybe wander the town like Caine in KUNG FU. #
  • 16:36 Back from torturing myself at an Artists Market. Might’ve come home with a good piece if I hadn’t bought my new jacket. #
  • 16:37 Taking a time-out for wine and STAR TREK. Then out for another drink. Don’t know yet if it’s gonna be with my writing or with my skoolbooks. #
  • 16:57 Feeling lazy now. "My get up and go must’ve got up and went." ♫ #
  • 19:52 Edits haven’t gone too badly. WIP still not close to finished, though. Not by a long shot. #
  • 20:20 Now, I’m staring at my skoolbooks…. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:15 Has it really been that long? ♫ #
  • 07:16 And now, the trek into work begins. #
  • 10:13 No clue what to write this morning. Spent it typing 5 handwritten pgs into the AlphaSmart. #
  • 10:14 You know the snow is bad when you see someone on freakin’ CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS making their way across the quad. #
  • 13:43 Weak from hunger and caffeine crash. Too crazy for lunch just this second…. #
  • 15:11 Had lunch and time to finish typing out my WIP. Now to print and edit this weekend while studying for my final. Priorities, you know. #
  • 16:14 NnnnNNGGGG! #
  • 17:25 I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar. I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar…. #
  • 17:25 Quiet, at last. Now, to bat cleanup and maybe sneak out early. #
  • 17:48 Because I needed a Friday song that wasn’t "Friday I’m in Love." ♫ #
  • 17:52 Oh, what the hell…. ♫ #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:05 "Runnin out of self-control/ Gettin’ close to an overload/ Up against a no win situation." Namely, day 3 of bei… ♫ #
  • 07:06 Namely, day 3 of being 2 people down at work. #
  • 10:53 Hinting I might’ve screwed up, when it would’ve taken 2 seconds to find out I hadn’t, will not endear you to me. #
  • 10:53 I am *not* the one, today. #
  • 10:56 Only wrote 1/2 pg this morning, but I have a much better sense of my protag’s headspace! #
  • 10:57 Figured out how to improve the story’s tone–which will require a rewrite, of course. #
  • 16:25 I picked the wrong day not to have a red-eye first thing. #
  • 17:08 Got permission to go home early to escape the blizzard "if things aren’t crazy." Unfortunately…. #
  • 19:10 Survived work, and the trip home. Barely. ♫ #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:25 The temp’s gonna drop 20 degrees in the next 10 hours? #
  • 07:25 I really gotta work in some problem sets this week. Maybe tomorrow…. #
  • 10:40 Walked in to a zoo this morning. A zoo with the cages open. #
  • 10:40 At least I got another scene down (more or less). #
  • 11:27 Good news, though: bigger monitor at work. The better to see the neverending pile. #
  • 11:48 How do I use my one moment of dead time this morning? #
  • 12:19 In the eye of the hurricane, reading the most succinct primer on writing comics I’ve found yet. #
  • 16:02 Truth stranger than fic: "The cartoonishly corrupt governor of Illinois might as well be writing dialogue for us." #
  • 17:00 Writers’ daily routines, taken from interviews and such: Kafka, T.C. Boyle, Toni Morrison, among others. #
  • 20:34 In the 90 min. before work: 1.5 pgs written. In the 60 min. after work: 1.5 sentences :(. #
  • 20:58 Why, oh why can’t I log into my email? #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:26 Overslept this morning for no good reason :(. #
  • 07:29 "Maybe tomorrow, the next letter, Or when the weather gets better, I gotta wait here for your moon to turn blue" ♫ #
  • 10:42 Reinserted a previously discarded scene into the WIP; much better fit this time. That counts as writing, right? #
  • 10:43 Second scene’s still a little weak. Will try not to worry about it until the 1st draft is done. #
  • 12:02 Have to temporarily put away the book I’m currently reading. Was screwing with my writing head. #
  • 12:14 Swapped that book for this one, which might not have been a smart move. #
  • 17:10 First second I’ve had to breathe all afternoon. And, oh look, there it goes… #
  • 19:17 Why do they even bother showing movies like PULP FICTION on basic cable? #

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