Tweets for Today

  • 13:36 DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special 2008: 4.5 out of 5. Definitely enjoyed more than last year’s. #
  • 13:38 Didn’t find much in the way of Boxing Day sales this morning. Even got 1/2 pg of writing done! #
  • 13:39 I think I’ve earned some time in front of the HIGHLANDER: THE SERIES marathon on Sci-Fi. #
  • 18:18 I forgot how craptastic HIGHLANDER: THE SOURCE is. How the hell do you start a movie with 5 straight minutes of expositional monologue? #
  • 19:02 Getting next year’s calendar together while LOLing at HIGHLANDER: THE SOURCE. #
  • 19:09 Ahh! Ears bleeding at the sound of HIGHLANDER: THE SOURCE’s version of "Princes of the Universe"–make it stop, make it stop!!! #
  • 19:58 Last 5 min. of HIGHLANDER: THE SOURCE are worse than the first. Expositional monologue/montage recap of the movie!!! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:49 Merry Christmas!! #
  • 08:05 Getting ready for family to come over and for the DCOTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! #
  • 08:44 Coffee and BookTV on a Thursday morning–it IS Christmas! #
  • 10:15 No Christmas of mine is complete without CHICAGO XXV on the CD player and a showing of BLACKADDER’S CHRISTMAS CAROL. #
  • 20:22 Despite some the difficult logistics, this was one of the least-stressful Xmas family times I’ve ever, ever had! #
  • 20:41 When we see my folks next week, might be a different story ;). #
  • 20:54 Trying to avoid intarwub spoilers for the 2008 DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special, since I’ll be watching it shortly…. #
  • 22:56 The best Christmas gift today…a rejection email! #

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Tweets for Today

  • 03:20 "I can’t get to sleep. I think about the implications…" ♫ #
  • 07:16 Always thought Band Aid had the better tune than USA for Africa. ♫ #
  • 09:25 OSHA retraining. The Xmas gift that keeps on giving! 🙂 #
  • 09:36 Scored 90% on "Violence in the Workplace." So, I’m now fully prepared to be violent in the workplace? #
  • 10:21 Time to get Xmasy: #
  • 10:24 Been playing this at my desk all morning so far; can’t get enough. ♫ #
  • 11:48 A video I send around every Xmas: #
  • 11:58 Waiting for Chinese food lunch while clearing out a year’s worth of Google Notes and Bookmarks. Writing? What writing? #
  • 16:20 "Vacation–all I ever wanted…" ♫ #
  • 16:23 Safely ensconced at home and can finally relax! #
  • 19:55 Hardest decision I face tonite: watch GHOST HUNTERS rerun or the first showing of A CHRISTMAS STORY in their 24-hr marathon. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:03 Not as cold today, true. Also, not as motivated now that my grades are in. I think I’m pretty much gonna phone it in today :). #
  • 07:12 Because I haven’t heard this in awhile and I need a good wake-up song: ♫ #
  • 09:01 More tribu–presents–from coworkers! Including jazz CDs! Cassandra Wilson, Basie/Vaughn, Eliane Elias, & Return to Forever!!! #
  • 10:12 Could be writing on the d/l, but nope. Socializing between the few tasks I have today. #
  • 11:19 Broke down "mr.wizard" delicious tag into separate sciences. A small step to streamlining my archives for 2009. #
  • 13:38 1.5 handwritten pages at lunch, thank you Jesus!! #
  • 13:38 Still no idea where the story’s going, but it’s absolutely going somewhere! #
  • 14:45 Staring at the thin pile of work I just know I’m not gonna touch until tomorrow. #
  • 15:23 Nothing else to do but (some of) that thin pile o’ work ;). #
  • 16:44 Wondering if I should take a chance on the usual writing spot tonite, or if I should just let 1.5 pgs be enough. Oh, who am I fooling? #
  • 17:46 Saw a glimpse of traffic and went straight home. I’ll write here :). #
  • 18:07 Feels odd holding a stack of brand-new CDs. Been awhile, since I’ve been getting my tunes, um…elsewhere. #
  • 18:29 Like writing was really gonna happen, listening to a tune called "Beyond the Seventh Galaxy." ♫ #
  • 19:57 Somebody on one of Yahoo’s hampster wheels must’ve keeled over dead if I can’t sign on to my email right now. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:01 Early morning. The coldest time of the coldest day of the year so far. Of course I have to leave for work soon! #
  • 07:02 I will be wearing the DOCTOR WHO scarf. People can point and laugh all the want–while they’re shivering cold :P~ #
  • 07:10 "How can it be so cold in here? It’s like Greenland in here. We’ve got to get some booze. It’s the only solution to this intense cold." #
  • 07:19 I want these functional night-vision goggles for kids! #
  • 07:19 Here’s why: #
  • 09:22 I paid the price for not being able to find my longjohns this morning. Other than that, the DOCTOR WHO scarf rules again!! #
  • 10:15 Ack! Left my flash drive with my portableapps at home. Now I’m stuck with MSIE all freakin’ day :(. #
  • 10:21 Small-press indie publishers of fantasy, mystery, & horror #
  • 10:48 RT from @totn – stuff you just couldn’t make up if you tried: #
  • 11:59 Saw this on MTV/VH-1 100s of times; never realized Hugh Laurie and John Malkovich were in it: #
  • 12:02 10 tweets before lunch. I fear the karmic payback. Crap, that was 11…. #
  • 13:08 Writing progress at lunch: One. lousy. paragraph. #
  • 15:02 What’d I say about karmic payback? Actually, it hasn’t been that bad :). #
  • 15:24 Saw my grade online. Did not get a perfect score on the final. Will have to "settle" for a B+ in the class!!!! 🙂 #
  • 18:05 Came home instead of going to writing spot; can’t remember the last time I was home this early on a weekday when I wasn’t sick. #
  • 19:56 Forced to cement my holiday travel plans. Woe is me :). #
  • 20:43 Given up on writing for today. Lost in an 80s Chicago binge (Chicago 16, 17, 18 & 19–not desperate enough for Chicago XIV, tho ;)). #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:11 Last minute edits before group (maybe)!! #
  • 08:28 "Swiss Watch Found in 400-year Old Tomb"??? #
  • 09:15 Editing music. ♫ #
  • 10:14 What I’ve got is about as good as it’s going to get before group. Bleh. #
  • 17:54 Told myself I was gonna goof off after group. So why do I have the file open, dammit? #
  • 18:00 Why? Because there’s only one way I’m going to get this Sword of Damocles out from over my head… 🙂 #
  • 19:38 Just discovered that mp3 links I’ve saved in now open with a flash player! That’s almost as cool as Google’s. #
  • 19:39 Unlike Google, can’t FF or REW–Fail. #
  • 21:13 Time for relaxing music, tea, and bed w/a book. ♫ #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 08:36 1,000th post!! What to tweet…okay, how about my favorite band playing live: #
  • 08:42 It’s gonna be a slow start this morning. I’m OK with that. But I gotta get writing. Oh yeah, group tomorrow–crap! #
  • 08:42 It’s like the day before finals all over again!! 😉 #
  • 11:36 So many available writing spots around town, now that the students are gone :)!! #
  • 16:13 Good news: some good writing done. Bad news: not all of it on what I was supposed to be working on. #
  • 16:13 Worse news: spent time playing with our new Flip camera. Videos to follow (maybe). #
  • 17:02 Experiencing one of those rare times when wine doesn’t appear to be helping me think past a plot problem. #
  • 17:07 This is real, and I WANT IT! #
  • 17:55 Writing = marking time for the past hour. Gonna take a break by cleaning up a month’s worth of intarweb bookmarks. #
  • 17:58 Have I tweeted this? Bruce Holland Rogers’ 3-6-9 flash fiction form: #
  • 20:41 Spaghetti sauce all over my pants. The perfect end to my day. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:40 Due to start work right when the 12" of snow is scheduled to drop today. Gonna hang out at home until the last possible second…. 😉 #
  • 08:29 Goddammit, I guess I gotta go in. Hopefully, everything will be running for when I (hopefully!!) have to turn around and go back home. #
  • 10:27 Forgot to bring a bag to haul my tribute…I mean, presents, from coworkers in appreciation for my mad admin skillz. #
  • 10:36 Nancy Kress blogs the best piece of writing advice she ever got: #
  • 11:33 With nothing to study, I’m not sure what to do with myself at work. Aside from work, that is. #
  • 12:37 I have the sick feeling I’m going to be trapped at work and forced to resort to cannibalism like that soccer team. #
  • 14:26 At least the buses are still running. May not turn into ALIVE yet, after all. ♫ #
  • 16:46 Looks like I’ll be leaving early today, after all :D. #
  • 16:51 Hm, maybe I’ll do some writing tonight, if I can remember how. #
  • 18:46 Can’t believe this week is finally OVER! (Well, except for writing, rearranging my writing space, and group.) #
  • 18:50 Can’t believe the buses were more or less running on time, either. #
  • 18:52 Need tomorrow to relearn how to write. I forsee pain. #
  • 19:55 LEVERAGE is my favorite new show (like I need more TV in my life). Co-creator/co-exec producer blogs about it: #
  • 21:32 Oh God, GHOST ADVENTURES never ceases to be entertaining. (N.B. didn’t say "good," I said "entertaining." #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 23:17 Tired brain was distracted by new LAW & ORDER. #
  • 07:55 Let myself sleep in a little bit today. Realized that I have not one, but two exams today. No jokes about how I’m going to get it both ways! #
  • 07:55 (i.e. because one’s a physical) #
  • 08:33 Last minute prep, followed by physical, then more prep, then the final! Then I’m (sorta) free for the semester!! #
  • 08:33 "Stand up and fight/ This is it" ♫ #
  • 11:35 One exam done. This one involved a heart monitor. Everything seems good, tho. More tests to follow. Now, where’s my coffee? #
  • 16:58 Might’ve missed one damn point! But the only way I blow it is by missing 10, and I’m damn sure that didn’t happen :D!! #
  • 16:59 MORE importantly, I’ve secured (as much as you can w/out having something in writing) a place in the class I want to take next semester! #
  • 17:00 I’m quite content with a B, tho ;). #

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