Tweets for Today

  • 08:05 Gonna head out for food, coffee, and one last pass through the WIP to make it readable for crit group today. It may be a lost cause. #
  • 08:20 Rather, I *was* gonna head out now–it’s only 2 degrees??? #
  • 08:43 @kajamarie I read 1/2 of that book about a year or so ago. It’s still in my reading queue. Good stuff in there! #
  • 09:23 2 degrees, my ass. It’s gotta be at least 17, maybe 18. Balmy! Okay, to work! #
  • 10:21 I think what I’ve got is as good as it’s going to get. Still, I fully expect to be crucified at group. #
  • 18:34 Crit group today was the gentlest crucifixion I’ve ever experienced ;). #
  • 18:44 Unlike yesterday, I’m gonna eat and rest before I dive into edits. #
  • 22:44 Finished processing the group’s critiques. Have a *very* rough map of the changes to make on the WIP this week. #
  • 22:49 I’m really, really not ready to go back to work tomorrow :(. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:28 Have to sneak in a haircut and other sundry errands between writing. I know it should be the other way around, but group’s tomorrow! #
  • 08:30 Will have to be online, too–the 11th Doctor Who will be announced today!! #
  • 08:48 Bruce Holland Rogers on writing expressionistic short-short fiction: #
  • 09:02 Classic Marion Zimmer Bradley essay on writing commercial short stories: #
  • 09:03 Okay, I’m done. No more interweb surfing…well, after I find out who the next Doctor Who is going to be. #
  • 12:39 I’ve never, ever felt so frustrated by a WIP. #
  • 12:43 Will start by cutting…the story, that is, not myself. #
  • 13:09 Change of writing venue for coffee and that lost-in-a-crowd feeling. #
  • 14:14 Edits made, but I’m really doubting the wisdom of reading at group tomorrow 🙁 #
  • 14:16 These Doctor Whos are apparently getting younger and younger: #
  • 15:05 Will keep my ass in this chair and continue analyzing scenes from the WIP and not walk around to look at books I have no business buying ;). #
  • 17:17 Body in pain for sitting 3 hours writing in a comfy chair. Too busy to think about ergonomics or food; now I’m paying the price. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:12 Spent evening cleaning out my TiddlyWiki and learning MonkeyGTD. Still trying to decide if I want/need to run both. #
  • 08:20 Yes, "Cleveland Rocks," but I’m ready to go home now. ♫ #
  • 08:24 Planning to be lazy during my last morning here. So, why do I have the WIP up on my screen? 🙂 #
  • 09:07 Do I still need Google Notebook if most of my stuff is now on personal wikis? Hmm…. #
  • 11:19 My year-in-review blogmeme: #
  • 11:19 Now, I gotta pack. #
  • 12:19 Hittin’ the road back to I-town! #
  • 19:26 Yes, "Home Again!" ♫ #
  • 19:28 Good thing I got a new laptop, ‘cos the old one doesn’t seem to be running right… 🙁 #
  • 19:33 Okay, old laptop sorta functions–if you can call taking 15 min. to start up "functional." #
  • 19:52 Now that I’ve pretty much unpacked, time to figure out where I’m going to write tomorrow. What’s open around here, anyway? #
  • 20:56 Okay, I think–think–the old laptop is back to normal. I hope. Almost forgot what a normal size screen looks like 🙂 #

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2008 Year in Review

Since I’m too chickenshit to post my yearly submission stats (I’ll do last month’s later), I’ll do this first-line-of-the-month blogmeme thing instead.

January“Self-Esteem Issues”

February – Last year I tried to keep a running tab of submissions, rejections, and pubs.

March – Anyone have an opinion on the wisdom (or lack thereof) of writing while pursuing a (non-writing) graduate degree?

April – The editor of Six Sentences reminded me that I have a Twitter account.

May – I can’t believe I haven’t gotten to this.

June – Perhaps there was a deeper, more subconscious reason I haven’t blogged in weeks…


August – This is on my goodreads “to-read” list and should be on yours, too.

(B. – it’s on my list, dude, I swear!)

September – 07:35 As usual, I’m going to spend Labor Day laboring.

October 07:25 Back in the saddle today. ♫

November 08:09 TONIGHT! Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings!!! ♫

December – The subs period for a few of the mags I like to try closed last month.

Tweets for Today

  • 00:23 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! #
  • 08:19 And now, the New Year’s Day clean-up :)…. #
  • 08:23 @strikethru Good luck with that! INFINTE JEST would be waay too big for me :). BRIEF INTERVIEWS w/HIDEOUS MEN is in my reading queue. #
  • 08:23 I really, really need to be better with monitoring my @ replies 🙁 #
  • 13:01 Glad I’m a little ahead on my "Read more novels" resolution ‘cos I’ve already behind in my "Don’t buy as many used books" one. #
  • 14:06 I think I’m a mere one scene away from finishing my WIP. #
  • 14:15 Still one problem with the WIP, and I still haven’t figured out the damn solution. #
  • 19:25 Half-done with the first novel I planned to read in 2009. Sure, I got a head start but still. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:56 Feeling the effects of holiday binge eating. Oh well, time for breakfast. #
  • 09:04 The trouble with loaner (Mac) computers: can’t even run my portableapps stuff :(. See, another reason to just pick up a new computer, right? #
  • 12:51 Tweeting from my new netbook. For once in my life, I’m in step with the technology curve :). #
  • 13:13 Netbook setup half done. Now to install my writing stuff and I’ll be good to go! #
  • 13:51 Hoping there’s an easy way to transfer my OpenOffice settings rather than having to reset everything from scratch. #
  • 15:20 Finally! Let the writing commence. (Field-testing the netbook at a coffee shop.) #
  • 16:09 Oh yes, I could definitely get used to writing on this. I’m not about to give up the AlphaSmart, though. #
  • 16:35 Too ashamed to put up my year-end writing stats like other writers :(. #
  • 16:44 Podcast–Nancy Kress on Writing in Scenes: #
  • 17:01 "The hourglass has no more grains of sand." Rushing headlong into 2009! ♫ #
  • 18:55 Love TWILIGHT ZONE marathons! My favorite ep is coming up in 2 hours, "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?" #
  • 21:24 Mastering the vertical and horizontal scrolling on the netbook while watching THE TWILIGHT ZONE. #
  • 21:25 I have to say, a visit with family is a LOT more relaxing after you’ve already had a week off work 🙂 #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:05 You know you’re back home when you feel a smidgen of concern about how the Browns did so lousy this year that they fired the head coach. #
  • 08:05 You can take the boy out of Cleveland, etc. etc…. #
  • 09:16 Getting an early start on one of my New Year’s resolutions. I’ve started reading a (*gasp*) novel! #
  • 09:28 Experimenting with using goodreads to store my reading notes: #
  • 19:02 The lack of sleep from two days ago finally caught up with me. Out like a light most of the day today 🙁 #
  • 19:02 Time for a caffeine source and some writing, I think. #
  • 21:17 Almost, almost got that netbook. Gonna take another day to decide. #
  • 21:20 Writing. One page, whatever. So, this netbook…yeah, tomorrow. Maybe. #
  • 21:44 Glad one of my New Year’s resolutions isn’t "stop procrastinating." My list of 2009 goals isn’t done yet :(. #
  • 23:07 If my sleep cycle stays this screwed, I’ll either have no trouble staying up for New Year’s Eve or I’ll be dead asleep by 9 pm. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 07:08 Hardly slept last nite. Not because of travel nerves, but because of all the blind coffee/Red Bull drinking I did to get stuff done. 🙁 #
  • 07:10 Everything’s all packed and ready, though. #
  • 07:11 Anyone wants me, "I went back to Ohio." ♫ #
  • 16:52 Pleasantly uneventful, if slow, drive. Slow was good, though. #
  • 16:52 Forgot the most important thing–my laptop’s power cords :(. #
  • 17:23 Not having laptop cords makes the idea of buying a netbook all the more appealing. #
  • 22:07 WTF…was I really that thirsty that I found Corona tasty?? #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:30 Life definitely feels different getting 9 hours of sleep a night :). #
  • 08:31 "A Comprehensive and Totally Universal Listing of Every Problem a Story Has Ever Had" #
  • 08:52 Bumming myself out by reading writers’ blogs and all their year-end posts on their submission stats. #
  • 11:33 Home office is a disaster area, since I’m only half-heartedly rearranging it in between doing other things. #
  • 12:17 Too engrossed in MEGA SNAKE on Sci-Fi to make progress on the office. #
  • 13:16 Time to find something a little more productive to do with my life today, maybe sneak in a taste of the nice weather. #
  • 13:48 Laundry–that’s productive. Lame, but productive. #
  • 15:28 Suppose now that the laundry’s done, I can pack for tomorrow’s trip…eventually. #
  • 16:10 Slowly understanding why some writers like writing in pencil. #
  • 16:11 Yes, trying to write. Anyonw who knows me knows I’m not going to think about packing until 10, maybe 11 tonite :). #
  • 17:24 Gonna go out for some nice local coffee and see if I can eke out one more page. #
  • 19:39 Wrote (w/the Mirado Black Warrior No.2) 3pgs. Will have to cut 2-3 earlier pages. #
  • 19:39 Now I have time to (make a list of things to) pack. 🙂 #
  • 20:46 Packed: current WIP, books, mp3 player, cameras, & associated gear. Not yet packed: clothes, etc. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:56 Pondering how to spend my last 2 days of freedom before visiting family. #
  • 07:57 "A Polish man…visited a brothel and spotted his wife among the establishment’s employees." #
  • 11:11 Completed the annual pilgrimmage to the office supply store to stock up writing supplies for the New Year. #
  • 12:08 Going out for coffee and to take a leisurely, lackadaisical approach to writing today. For once. #
  • 14:56 Not much writing done. Did a lot of brainstorming, conceptualizing, & reinventing for the New Year. Still going, too. #
  • 19:02 Coffee in bed. Not a bad idea. Might substitute Red Bull, tho :). ♫ #
  • 21:56 Today’s 1/2 pg of writing done Capote-style, i.e. handwritten w/a Mirado Black Warrior No. 2 pencil. Just ‘cos. #

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