Tweets for Today

  • 08:19 Forgot my schedule changed. Almost got to work 90 minutes early. Luckily, coffee drew me into the coffee shop near my place. #
  • 08:21 Bad news: not fully awake yet, so I succumbed and had my first red-eye of 2009! First sip felt like The Quickening from HIGHLANDER. #
  • 09:13 I’ve got a 0.999 Draft!! Just one section to potentially cut, a paragraph to rewrite, and just a tiny bit of backstory to cram in somewhere. #
  • 10:30 Body’s at work. Mind’s on the WIP. #
  • 11:48 Must’ve hit just the right amount of caffeination this morning. Getting a LOT done today. I expect the inevitable crash right after lunch. #
  • 13:29 Domme Lois Lane/subbie Superman, illustrated by Joe Shuster himself (NSFW): #
  • 13:33 Okay, too turned on now. Maybe writing will take my mind off it ;). #
  • 13:44 Amy Winehouse getting divorced? I’m shocked. Shocked! ♫ #
  • 16:41 Might get to escape early today…fingers crossed! #
  • 16:47 Planning to bring my netbook to the big staff meeting tomorrow. If I see yarn or knitting needles, nobody better say a word to me, either! #
  • 17:06 Got work approval for next semester’s class!!! #
  • 18:20 Can’t get a lead on next semester’s texbook yet. Wanna get a jump on a used one. Damn, I thought those things were pricey back in the day! #
  • 18:24 Now that the crit group roll call’s gone out, I can see exactly how much work I have to do on the WIP, yet :*(. #
  • 19:57 Old laptop is taking longer and longer to start up. And having to run scandisk more often… 🙁 #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 09:26 Might have to stay in today. My home Inbox barely got touched. #
  • 09:27 Breakfast first. Then I’ll decide. #
  • 11:00 Depressed by MEET THE PRESS. Not because of the issues of the day, but because Cosby noted THE COSBY SHOW was 25 years ago!!! #
  • 11:55 Loading more writing music onto the netbook. Easy to do when it’s got 3x the HD space of my old laptop. #
  • 15:03 Wow, I’ve really blown off the day in a serious way. At least when(!) my dying laptop bites the dust, 95% of my tunes are already backed up. #
  • 17:01 Head’s killing me for some reason. Advil, food, and coffee have been no help so far. #
  • 17:14 Alan Moore parody of Frank Miller #
  • 18:20 Speaking of Moore: the sci-fi underpinnings of V FOR VENDETTA #
  • 19:42 Home inbox and tickler files processed. To do lists in order. Office still a mess, but somehow, I feel better. Maybe I’ll edit the MS a bit. #
  • 19:44 I think the tea w/a shot of Jameson’s helped :). #
  • 21:28 Got precious little writing done. Got a lot of non-writing things off my plate, though! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:47 This would make some of my romance writer pals chuckle (I think): #
  • 07:52 Where I rave a bit about "Other Cities" by Benjamin Rosenbaum. #
  • 08:04 Today’s agenda: Rewrite! #
  • 09:23 Gonna brave the cold and go out for breakfast. *Then* to the rewriting!! #
  • 11:23 Whaddya get when you put the indoor Farmer’s Market across from the indie bookstore? Impulse buys of books by Lydia Davis & Etgar Keret. #
  • 11:28 Sequestering myself at the library. Will make myself write as penance. #
  • 11:40 Sure, let’s just add a Joy Williams collection to my vast mountain of a reading pile. Why not? At least this one’s a library book. #
  • 12:24 One thing’s clear after one read-through. I haven’t had nearly enough coffee yet. Heading back uptown, I think. #
  • 13:12 Fresh caffeine. All is now clear w/the WIP. And I’ve already succumbed to the new-book temptation, so I’m safe where I am. #
  • 14:16 2 pgs of rewrites! WIP setting more well-established. Fantasy element a little more front-and-center. #
  • 14:18 Gonna get more coffee and peruse the Davis, Keret, and Williams collections I added to my already long reading queue. *headdesk* #
  • 15:01 Time to blow this burg, I think. Got a neglected inbox full of non-writing stuff on my desk. #
  • 17:26 Totally missed lunch watching TV while cutting lines from the MS. Only reminded when I flipped the channel to IRON CHEF AMERICA. #
  • 18:00 Does the challenger ever win on IRON CHEF AMERICA? I’ve never seen it. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:45 Reviewing scenes cut from the WIP; at least one of them needs to be put back in. I’m so close to a "shitty first draft," I can taste it. #
  • 08:10 Two more scene beats, and I’ll have my "0.9 Draft." #
  • 09:57 Brainstorming at my desk. Just some backfill for the WIP intro that should solve 2 problems with one stroke. #
  • 11:47 Cleaning up my TiddlyWiki and MonkeyGTD wikis. I did end up finding uses for both after all. #
  • 13:13 Draft 0.9 is done!! I think I’m actually going to put the story away for the rest of today. Well, the rest of the afternoon. We’ll see. #
  • 14:17 Okay, maybe I don’t need to write much after work. I do need to work out all the details I need to add to make my WIP changes make sense. #
  • 16:18 I have a bad feeling about Monday. #
  • 17:47 Trying to put depressing work discussion about the economy aside and focus on after-work writing. #
  • 18:04 RT @NewsHour Nanoscale ‘Levitation’ Discovery Could Lead to Better Nanomachines #
  • 18:15 You know what? It’s just not working right now. Guess this morning’s progress will have to be enough for now. At least until after dinner. #
  • 18:23 I want! I want!! #
  • 18:50 Forced myself to write a paragraph, so my ennui can just suck it! #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:54 Walking on snow is so much easier than the impromptu ice skating I was doing yesterday. #
  • 08:06 Cleaned up 2 new pgs from last nite. I figure I’ll finally have a completed 1st draft by Sunday. Fingers crossed! #
  • 09:21 Note to self: make sure any .rtf you save in OpenOffice looks okay in MSWord at some point. 🙁 #
  • 09:59 Don’t know why this song suddenly appeared in my head. ♫ #
  • 11:09 1st new piece of valuable writing advice for 2009: Cory Doctorow on Writing in the Age of Distraction. #
  • 11:10 This’ll immediately solve a couple of tiny problems I’ve been having lately, too! I smell a blog entry…? #
  • 11:50 One way or another, I’m going to get more done at lunch today than I did yesterday, dammit! #
  • 13:14 Lunch definitely more productive today. Transformed some scene beats into 1.5 pgs! #
  • 17:59 @GigiVernon The hardest piece of advice for me is "Leave yourself a rough edge," esp. when it feels like I’m on a roll. #
  • 18:40 Got another 1/2 page in. Could stop for the day. Probably should stop for the day. We’ll see what happens after dinner. #
  • 20:29 Got PageFour set up on the netbook and imported WIP drafts/notes. Why, oh why, did I have to discover TreeDBNotes? #
  • 20:37 Eh, I’ll figure it all out tomorrow. Back to writing (on PageFour) #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:54 "And I’m going insane / And I’m laughing at the frozen rain" that almost killed me on the walk to the bus stop. ♫ #
  • 07:56 Finished reading my first novel of 2009 last night! Now, back to my backlog of story collections. #
  • 09:53 Bunch o’ staff out due to ice. Glad I had my morning coffee before getting to work :(. #
  • 09:53 At least I got my USB drive back! #
  • 10:35 Part 1 of podcast of Cory Doctorow’s SOMEONE COMES TO TOWN, SOMEONE LEAVES TOWN #
  • 10:52 Gonna take an early lunch, just ‘cos. Hope I can walk to cafe without splitting my head open on the ice. #
  • 11:25 The one day I don’t make my lunch this week is, of course, the day the cafe next door’s closed, probably due to ice, motherf…! #
  • 11:26 Oh well, I made a few notes. Guess I’ll just have to write a few lines at my desk after lunch, won’t I? #
  • 12:36 This was the single most craptastic lunchtime experience of my current day job. #
  • 13:34 Every episode of THE PRISONER online!! #
  • 15:28 Set a more solid writing agenda this evening to make up for my lunchtime debacle. #
  • 15:51 I will not leave my USBdrive at work. I will not leave my USBdrive at work. I will NOT leave my USBdrive at work…. #
  • 17:45 Good news: did not forget the USB drive. Bad news: blood sugar too low. Need dinner. Always something, isn’t it? 🙂 #
  • 19:44 Defiantly wrote about 1 pg of notes/draft, despite a day of icy roads, bad lunches, last-minute work nonsense, and broken down buses. #
  • 19:45 And now that I’ve had dinner, I’m gonna write some more, so everything that’s conspired against my writing today can just suck it! 🙂 #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:24 Determined to write an ending–any ending–to my WIP today, just to have something to work with later. #
  • 09:18 And work is off and running with the first Code Blue of the year 🙁 #
  • 09:22 Sad that F&SF is going bi-monthly 🙁 #
  • 11:54 Manning the con solo. Great time to brainstorm. #
  • 13:17 Finally at lunch. Managed to cram a sandwich down my pie-hole. Too wiped to accomplish much, but at least I’ve got the WIP file open :). #
  • 13:43 FINALLY figured out the end of my WIP!! Now, I’ve got two weeks to try and make it work!! #
  • 13:44 Of course, tune back tomorrow when I tweet, "WTF was I thinking?" 🙂 #
  • 19:20 Bad news: left my goddamn USB drive at work again. Good news: reconstructed my work, and then some. I’ve got my ending!! #
  • 19:20 Now to connect it all (from a backup). #
  • 19:40 Backup is one day too old. Feh! #
  • 19:50 I’m not gonna sweat it. Just gonna eat dinner, read some more novel, and end the nite with LEVERAGE. #

Via LoudTwitter

Tweets for Today

  • 07:12 @kajamarie A genre fiction critique group. #
  • 07:15 In fact, here’s the summary of yesterday’s (kind) evisceration: #
  • 07:21 December’s submissions scorecard. Really, don’t bother clicking… #
  • 09:11 Highlite of my 1st day back: being forced to change all my passwords. Thank God for password algorithms :). #
  • 10:54 Already planning time-off for around Spring Break. Gotta have something to look forward to. #
  • 11:33 Definitely feeling a low-level First Circle of Hell malaise at my desk today. #
  • 12:57 New netbook is now registered with the University’s wireless network…muah-ha-ha-ha-ha! >:) #
  • 14:26 Cat Valente’s ORPHAN’S TALES now a podcast series!! #
  • 16:12 Looking forward to after-work coffee and writing time! (i.e. building a routine that’s gonna change in a week) 🙁 #
  • 20:01 Writing progress was extraordinarily slow tonight 🙁 #

Via LoudTwitter

December Scorecard

Pathetic, I know. This is what happens when I allow finals, work, and holidays to interfere.


I’ve got a list of markets that have opened up and some “You Gonna Publish My Story, Or What?” emails to send. This’ll actually be a good week to get cracking on those.

Tough Love

One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to make this here blog more than reposted tweets. Here’s a start, the return of the play-by-play of my biweekly crucifixion session that is my critique group.

My current WIP has been a bitch and a half to write. I wrote my last story in two weeks (and it’s gotten one good personalized rejection so far). My trauma with this piece has gone on for over two months! I’ve rewritten the intro about five times, fleshed out characters before removing them completely, and removed scenes I really, really liked.

Finally, there was nothing left to do but bring it to the group last night.

It’s been so long since my last dissection. Let’s see if I remember how to do one of these.

The Good

  • The usual positive comments, the story “intriguing,” the prose “smooth,” and the characters “well drawn out.”
  • One member enjoyed how the main characters, a couple, argued “fairly.”
  • One liked the “ordinary setting” of the story (a grocery store), going with what the group sees as my pattern of stories of ordinary people in extraordinary situations (Note to self: time to break the pattern, maybe?)

The Bad

  • How many drafts of the fucking thing did I write/rewrite and still not catch “two-gallon milk jugs” instead of gallon jugs?
  • Might be too much focus on the wrong details, esp. in some conversations between the main characters.
  • “Cut page 4.” (Similar to John Rogers’ advice that “You Don’t Need pg. 11.”)
  • I sort of (playfully) rip on a particular recording artist and her fans. Only two out of the eight readers in group got it.

The Ugly

  • I’ve got the right POV character, but maybe not the narrative focus on the right character’s actions/plans.
  • The kinda-sorta-maybe fantasy element I’ve got going–I’ve got to be clearer about it either way.

Those last two points are gonna take some fixing. My biggest worry, before I even brought the story to group, was that kinda-sorta-maybe fantasy element, which was really evidence of things I haven’t quite decided on yet.

Can I fix it in two weeks and have an ending by the next group session, so I can keep another New Year’s Resolution of writing one story a month in 2009?