Tweets for Today

  • 09:08 Thing I hate about travel: usually simple solutions to life’s little problems are never fraking simple! #
  • 09:12 I either have to deal with crooked glasses or put up with a midwestern suburban shopping mall on a Saturday. Grrrr. #
  • 12:41 Decided to forego the mall trip. Glasses aren’t that crooked ;). #
  • 13:13 Pleased at the realization that I’ve been walking around outside in shorts for the past 2 days, despite the rainy gray. #
  • 23:01 Back on the grid for a lil’ bit! #

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Tweets for Today

  • 03:25 Just got home from Watching the #Watchmen! God, I’m tired. #
  • 03:26 Was unable to tweet from the theater–not for lack of trying ;). #
  • 03:29 Movie was well-done. Audience was more-or-less civilized. Didn’t see any fake Rorschachs or naked, out-of-shape Dr. Manhattans, thank krist. #
  • 08:52 I can barely remember the last time I got 5 hours of sleep. Probably because I only got 5 hours of sleep. #
  • 09:40 Gotta get on with my day. Things to do before the road trip. #
  • 12:07 So far, my "long weekend" has not been restful or productive. And now, skool’s about to start… #
  • 13:54 Road trip delayed a little bit–just long enough to catch my breath. #
  • 19:26 Back in the midwest, making a pitstop in Erie, PA for a nite. #
  • 22:20 Kinda, sorta interested in #BSG tonite. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 07:54 Almost forgot that today is my Friday!!! #
  • 08:41 Killing time before class discussion section. I can feel the weekend laziness setting in :D. #
  • 10:43 Re: skool progress, the Sons of Champlin said it best–"I think I know what I’m doin’/But I haven’t been doin’ it right." #
  • 12:10 50 min. left of torture, trying to decide whether to write at lunch or revel in the sun. Probably still too chilly to write in the sun :(. #
  • 13:53 I was wrong-it’s not too chilly to write in the sun. Sans coat. With my luck, I’ll catch pneumonia over the long weekend :(. #
  • 14:28 – Caught on camera writing outside. I’m the slug-like black dot, hunched over my netbook. #
  • 17:17 Planning tomorrow’s agenda. Writing, skool, then road trip back to the midwest for a bit!! #
  • 17:59 30 min until my "Friday" is over muah-hahahaha! #
  • 19:39 Only have enough strength to get some reading in. Gonna see if I can’t polish off this Etgar Keret collection before Saturday. #
  • 19:43 Officially in love with Pandora Radio. Created a playlist based on the Budos Band and the 1st tune it gave me was "Aynotchesh Yererfu." #
  • 20:25 Who watches the #Watchmen? ME! Tonight!! Despite the risk of being surrounded by Rorschach wannabes and naked, out-of-shape Dr. Manhattans. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 07:56 Dragging this morning. It’s a skool day. Still waiting for the coffee line to open up while I determine the morning’s study playlist. #
  • 08:01 Wonder if I need to start using Twhirl or Tweetdeck to follow all these darn tweets. Or start pruning…? #
  • 08:20 Filed under "WTF?": Several Mysterious Human Placentas Found in Illinois Sewer System #
  • 10:15 Did 1/2 a problem set. Would’ve finished if I hadn’t putzed most of my time away ;). #
  • 13:23 @GigiVernon Ack! Glad everything’s okay :)! #
  • 14:36 Decided to forego the lunch netsurfing & take a walk in the sun, ashamed at being emotionally beaten by the upstate NY winter after 4 years. #
  • 17:47 Gonna wrap up a problem set tonite, have a beer (not neceesarily in that order), then gear up for writing tomorrow! #
  • 18:10 Re: choosing between Twhirl, Tweetdeck, or pruning? I chose pruning. 😉 #
  • 20:05 I am feeling draaaaained as I sit in front of my unopened skoolbooks. #
  • 22:13 Just getting my skoolwork groove on when #LIFEONMARS comes on. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:07 Okay, upstate NY winter–took you 4 years but you have *finally* beaten the Cleveland boy! I give, I give! #
  • 08:09 Returned to revising a story written in January. Man, this folder’s thick. #
  • 12:32 Gah!! LIFE ON MARS (US) has been cancelled 🙁 #
  • 13:01 This one time, I’m gonna just read at lunch, I think. I need the break, plus I dread the folder containing January’s story. #
  • 14:35 Read 3 Etgar Keret stories. Good ones. Hence, they weren’t very relaxing :). #
  • 17:38 Wondering what I’m going to watch tonite, with #LEVERAGE done until the summer. #
  • 18:07 @strikethru The system I’ve used the longest is a weekly calendar and a HipsterPDA. #
  • 19:58 Feeling a few blocks to writing because of some mental clutter. I’ve loosened some of that up and–wouldn’t you know it–I did some editing! #

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Tweets for Today

  • 07:06 Will do my coffee and writing from home today, I think. I’m taking some advice and slowing down. A *bit* :). #
  • 08:16 Yesterday’s critique group evisceration. "Thank you, ma’am. May I have another?" #
  • 09:04 Relishing the prospect of having 7 stories to finish/submit/resubmit to markets. No, really! #
  • 11:34 Checked my grades on the skool website. Some numbers *literally* make no sense. Anxiety level still thru the roof! #
  • 16:53 Deep breaths. Must take deep breaths…. #
  • 18:16 Don’t think I have the strength for writing or skoolwork tonite. #

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Tough Love

Ah, my hands and feet are still recovering from yesterday’s crucifixion session that is my bi-weekly critique group :).

The Good

  • Usual characterization praises: “believable,” “realistic,” etc. One reader called the two main characters “the perfect teenagers.”
  • Relationship between the protag and his gf that’s “cute,” “intriguing,” and “dynamic.”
  • Piece had a “good hook,” was “funny” and was a “nice combination between fun and weird.”
  • Usual praises about the rhythm of some of the prose.

The Bad

  • The reader who considered my characters the “perfect teenagers” was the only one to consider them teenagers! Most of the group pictured college-age kids.
  • The reasons why the protagonist continues to subject himself to the situation I put him in need to be sharpened a bit.

The Ugly

  • I didn’t describe my main characters physically. There was some disagreement about the utility of doing that vs. letting the reader “fill in the blanks.”
  • Once again, I went for “too vague” with respect to a certain scene, which opened doors to questions that don’t have much to do with the story.

The best part is, as the group brainstorms their suggestions for fixes, I came up with a couple of solutions that weren’t discussed. It’s so incredibly useful watching them tread through a process that I’d have to go through if I was doing this on my own!

Tweets for Today

  • 08:22 I feel like I could sleep for another 3 hours :(. #
  • 10:00 Revenge of the Writer, Day 4: Stuff’s more or less ready for crit group evisceration this afternoon. #
  • 11:31 Revenge of the Writer, Day 4: Reviewing yesterday’s words for WIP at a local organic cafe. Forgot how pricey the place was. Yummy food, tho! #
  • 12:36 Food for thought: Do superhero comics just not get it anymore? #
  • 19:01 RT @strikethru Second-draft fiction involves deleting a lot of clever turns of phrase that on second thought, actually make no sense. #
  • 19:02 Revenge of the Writer, Day 4: Revenge complete. Crit group evisceration will be processed tomorrow. Think I’ve earned dinner & a Smithwicks! #
  • 19:32 Looks like because of a Nor’easter, I’m gonna be Home Alone for another day. #

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Tweets for Today

  • 09:07 Slept in waaaay too late. Gonna run out for breakfast and errands, then get started with my writing revenge :). #
  • 11:45 How did I end up spending so much money this morning??? Can’t even blame it all on the price hike for TurboTax, either :(. #
  • 11:53 Revenge of the Writer, Day 3: I got my coffee, so it’s time to finish the WIP while trying to keep my arm-length list of chores off my mind. #
  • 12:16 RT @drmabuse New Podcast! The Bat Segundo Show #266: Catherynne M. Valente (Palimpsest and, oddly enough, ebooks) #
  • 12:18 RT @drmabuse …The Bat Segundo Show #267: Charlie Huston (The Mystic Arts of Erasing All Signs of Death) #
  • 13:30 Revenge of the Writer, Day 3: Back home, trying to finish drafting the WIP ending. Feels like I’m just marking time :(. #
  • 13:32 Had to come home, or risk spending more $$ on Catherynne M. Valente’s PALIMPSEST. Need to read Bynum’s MADELEINE IS SLEEPING first. #
  • 14:44 RotW, Day 3: The more I write, the more I look back on what I prepped for crit group and think, "Do I really want people to read this crap?" #
  • 15:08 RotW, Day 3: 105 words (net) is all I have to show for today, so far. I need a break. Food’s a good idea, I think. #
  • 17:42 RotW, Day 3: Tried coffee to get the story going. Now I’ll go back to the Smithwicks ;). #
  • 17:46 Oh, noes! TV temptation–FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE is on AMC. #
  • 18:20 Pondering whether I should call it a writing night and check out WALTZ WITH BASHIR. #
  • 18:33 Neighbor’s playing his music too loud, so WALTZ WITH BASHIR it is! 😉 #
  • 21:54 WALTZ WITH BASHIR just blew me away! #

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Tweets for Today

  • 08:05 Revenge of the Writer, Day 2 is off to a late start. It’s turning into one of those days where everything’s taking 10 extra steps to do :(. #
  • 08:56 Ran into crit group member at the bagel place just now. Town’s just too damn small :). #
  • 09:16 Revenge of the Writer, Day 2: 150 words of 1st draft closer to the end of the WIP! Feels like a kajillion more to go, tho. #
  • 09:20 Common writing mistakes observed by Nancy Kress: #
  • 11:46 Got the feeling there won’t be much Revenge of the Writer ’til after work. But it’s another Home Alone weekend–plenty of time for it, then. #
  • 13:37 Note to self: Don’t just look at the projected high temp. Look at the *actual* temp before you walk from work to skool sans jacket. Brrr. #
  • 13:39 Gonna lock and load (metaphorically!!!!!) like Chow Yun-Fat in a John Woo movie, and get myself back to work. #
  • 16:52 Sooooo punch-drunk at work!! Someone, save me! #
  • 19:37 Leftovers for dinner and a six-pack of Smithwicks. Because the Revenge of the Writer needs fuel :). #
  • 21:21 Revenge of the Writer, Day 2 update: Fizzled once STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS came on. Will do some scribbling during #BSG. #
  • 22:09 Did I just hear "tube of felderkarb toothpaste?" #bsg #

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