“But here you are in the ninth, two men out and three men on…”

Photo from here, via here.

The rumors of my death have only been a teeny bit exaggerated.  My face has cycled through each of the faces of the eggs up there about five or six times.  Even the one in the pan.  If the past few weeks of my life had a theme song, it’s been Billy Joel’s “Pressure.”

It’ll probably be the theme song of the next few weeks.  But it’s okay.

Different kinds of therapy have helped me cope: talk therapy, alprazolam, not to mention retail therapy, thanks to sales at Weightless Books and Golden Gryphon Press.  Seriously, I got 50% off of two TPBs I should’ve had in my library years ago…

Add to that the latest collections from Geoff Ryman, Maureen McHugh, and Joan Aiken–not to mention the list I’m currently working through–and I should be set until the summer…

…except for some other reading, which I’ll be talking about tomorrow.