Tweets for Today

  • 08:13 Paleo Twitter: "@Genny_Spencer is the real line-a-day diary of a young farmgirl in 1937." #
  • 08:15 Feeling like I really, really have to chill out, or something’s gonna crack. That said, I got a story to work on! #
  • 08:19 Writing playlist: Chick Corea, Return to Forever #
  • 09:29 RT @sixsentences If Tao Lin and Claire Zulkey had sex… #
  • 09:31 +200 words! I think the WIP will end up in the 4-5k range. Which means only 3-4k to go. 😐 #
  • 10:50 Feeling all PTSD’d right now. Trying to reach my happy place from my desk. Seems futile, I know ;). #
  • 11:26 Happy place invaded by rude email. If I email & ask for a deadline & you don’t respond then I’ll get to your stuff when I frakkin get to it! #
  • 12:11 Mood immediately improved when I remembered I was being treated to lunch today! #
  • 12:43 Ate homemade lasagna at my desk, which means I get a full hour to write! Muahahaha! #
  • 12:58 Now I’m feeling like I should just nap during my lunch. I’m tired from my "emo" bout this morning :(. #
  • 13:51 +220 words in 40 min. I think I’ve earned a break, don’t you? (read: I have no idea what the ver next bit of the story is yet). #
  • 13:54 Should’ve read "very next bit." I’m a writer, can’t you tell? 🙁 #
  • 15:25 Will it ever end? The workday, I mean. I have to be careful how I speak in the environment I work in :). #
  • 16:18 @mightymur you’ve just described every Saturday I’ve spent writing for the past couple of years. #
  • 17:12 I am just *waiting* for the next person to tick me off. Just one more, c’mon…I know you’re out there. Bring it! #
  • 18:25 This close > < to freedom. Y’know what, 400+ words might just have to be enough today. #
  • 19:07 At the PM writing spot out of habit. Maybe I can eke out another 50 or so words… #
  • 20:25 Yeah, I didn’t manage those 50 words :(. Maybe I’ll try before #LEVERAGE comes on tonite. #
  • 20:39 I dunno if @chicagotheband is the real thing, but I’m following for now anyway ;). #
  • 22:04 I’ve got nothing against Brent Spiner on #LEVERAGE, but did they have to give him yellow eyes (sunglasses)? #
  • 22:14 @BrentSpiner Great job on #LEVERAGE. Was having yellow sunglasses your idea or Frakes’s? #

Via LoudTwitter