Tweets for Today

  • 07:02 "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"…christ… ♫ #
  • 07:04 Duh! The aforementioned story "where two queer psychic cops infiltrate an occult BDSM nightclub" is online: #
  • 11:03 Funny what you can do when you sit your ass down & force yourself: like 1 pg of new words, a rewritten intro, and a tentative working title! #
  • 11:12 Wondering if I’ve done enough writing to get a jump on skoolwork tonite. Nah. #
  • 12:33 Paid The Man his parking ticket money–damn vultures 🙂 #
  • 14:15 Lunch hour totally unproductive, thanks to faulty electronics. Music electronics, that is 🙁 #
  • 15:19 Sun was shining at lunch; looks like nuclear winter out there now 🙁 #
  • 16:41 …and the rejections start to stream back in, coming home to roost, as it were. #
  • 16:42 New life dilemma: take a workout class 2x/week on skool nites? Worth the 14 hr. days? #
  • 18:06 Looks like the class is only 1x/week. Still might not be the smartest thing to do right now, even tho I’m pretty flabby anymore. #
  • 21:27 Once again, learned the lesson "don’t skimp on electronics." #

Via LoudTwitter